. "553013" . "-" . . "An automatic system for measurement of CO2 efflux from soil and woody tissue (SAMTOC) was constructed in the Laboratory of Ecological Physiology of Forest Trees, Institute of Landscape Ecology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. The system SAMTOC is based on closed gas exchange system and consists of personal computer with control software, two infrared gas analysers, sampling change-over valves, eight soil chambers and eight woody tissue chambers and control units for chamber closing. The system measures courses of soil and woody tissue CO2 efflux and soil and woody tissue temperature. Fully automatic system SAMTOC is able to collect data during a whole vegetation season. It has been used in a Norway spruce stand at the Experimental Study Site B\u00EDl\u00FD K\u0159\u00ED\u017E in Beskydy Mountains since beginning of vegetation season 2001. The system underestimates soil and woody-tissue efflux about 5% and 8% respectively." . "Acosta, Manuel" . "Nov\u00E9 za\u0159\u00EDzen\u00ED pro kontinu\u00E1ln\u00ED m\u011B\u0159en\u00ED tok\u016F CO2 v porostech lesn\u00EDch d\u0159evin"@cs . "3"^^ . "[60E7E9924233]" . "Pavelka, Marian" . "RIV/67179843:_____/04:00102779" . "P(GA526/00/0485), P(IBS6087005), Z(AV0Z6087904)" . . "An automatic system for measurement of CO2 efflux from soil and woody tissue (SAMTOC) was constructed in the Laboratory of Ecological Physiology of Forest Trees, Institute of Landscape Ecology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. The system SAMTOC is based on closed gas exchange system and consists of personal computer with control software, two infrared gas analysers, sampling change-over valves, eight soil chambers and eight woody tissue chambers and control units for chamber closing. The system measures courses of soil and woody tissue CO2 efflux and soil and woody tissue temperature. Fully automatic system SAMTOC is able to collect data during a whole vegetation season. It has been used in a Norway spruce stand at the Experimental Study Site B\u00EDl\u00FD K\u0159\u00ED\u017E in Beskydy Mountains since beginning of vegetation season 2001. The system underestimates soil and woody-tissue efflux about 5% and 8% respectively."@en . . "SK - Slovensk\u00E1 republika" . "3"^^ . . "A NEW DEVICE FOR CONTINUOUS CO2 FLUX MEASUREMENT IN FOREST STAND" . . "Janou\u0161, Dalibor" . . "Ekol\u00F3gia (Bratislava)" . "13"^^ . "A NEW DEVICE FOR CONTINUOUS CO2 FLUX MEASUREMENT IN FOREST STAND" . "CO2 efflux; woody tissue CO2 efflux; Norway spruce"@en . . . . . . "1335-342X" . . . "23" . "A NEW DEVICE FOR CONTINUOUS CO2 FLUX MEASUREMENT IN FOREST STAND"@en . . "A NEW DEVICE FOR CONTINUOUS CO2 FLUX MEASUREMENT IN FOREST STAND"@en . "Nov\u00E9 za\u0159\u00EDzen\u00ED pro kontinu\u00E1ln\u00ED m\u011B\u0159en\u00ED tok\u016F CO2 v porostech lesn\u00EDch d\u0159evin"@cs . . "88;100" . . "Syst\u00E9m pro m\u011B\u0159en\u00ED tok\u016F CO2 z p\u016Fdy a kmene (SAMTOC) byl vyvinut v Laborato\u0159i ekologick\u00E9 fyziologie lesn\u00EDch d\u0159evin \u00DAstavu ekologie krajiny AV \u010CR. SAMTOC pracuje jako uzav\u0159en\u00FD gazometrick\u00FD syst\u00E9m sest\u00E1vaj\u00EDc\u00ED z osobn\u00EDho po\u010D\u00EDta\u010De s \u0159\u00EDd\u00EDc\u00EDm programem, dvou infra\u010Derven\u00FDch plynov\u00FDch analyz\u00E1tor\u016F, p\u0159ep\u00EDnac\u00EDch ventil\u016F, osmi p\u016Fdn\u00EDch a osmi kmenov\u00FDch komor s automatikou zav\u00EDr\u00E1n\u00ED. Pln\u011B automatick\u00FD syst\u00E9m SAMTOC m\u011B\u0159\u00ED toky CO2 a teploty p\u016Fdy a kmene v pr\u016Fb\u011Bhu cel\u00E9 vegeta\u010Dn\u00ED sez\u00F3nu v porostu smrku ztepil\u00E9ho na Experiment\u00E1ln\u00EDm ekologick\u00E9m pracovi\u0161ti B\u00EDl\u00FD K\u0159\u00ED\u017E v Moravskoslezsk\u00FDch Beskydech od za\u010D\u00E1tku vegeta\u010Dn\u00ED sez\u00F3ny 2001. Podhodnocen\u00ED toku CO2 z p\u016Fdy a kmene syst\u00E9m SAMTOC se pohybuje na \u00FArovni 5 a 8 %."@cs . . . . "RIV/67179843:_____/04:00102779!RIV/2005/AV0/A22005/N" .