"Z(MSM6383917201)" . . . "CESNET Activities for Czech Medicine"@en . . "RIV/63839172:_____/08:00000888" . . "[9E0C297C97FD]" . . . . "CESNET jako v\u00FDzkumn\u00E1 organizace je aktin\u00ED ve v\u00FDvoji a implementaci nov\u00FDch s\u00ED\u0165ov\u00FDch aplikac\u00ED. Podporuje aplikace, kter\u00E9 vy\u017Eaduj\u00ED p\u0159enosy velk\u00FDch objem\u016F dat, vzsokou p\u0159enosovou rychlost nebo vysokou \u00FArove\u0148 zabezpe\u010Den\u00ED p\u0159enos\u016F z pohledu ochrany osobn\u00EDch \u00FAdaj\u016F, atd. CESNET vytv\u00E1\u0159\u00ED pro specializovan\u00E9 u\u017Eivatele (grid, informa\u010Dn\u00ED centra v nemocnic\u00EDch, atd.) dedikovan\u00E9 spoje typu E2E nebo cel\u00E9 priv\u00E1tn\u00ED s\u00EDt\u011B. V posledn\u00ED dob\u011B je jednou z nejv\u00FDznamn\u011Bj\u0161\u00EDch oblast\u00ED oblast zdravotnictv\u00ED. V t\u00E9to sf\u00E9\u0159e podporujeme n\u011Bkolik aplikac\u00ED, kter\u00E9 se t\u00FDkaj\u00ED p\u0159enosu standardiyovan\u00E9 obrazov\u00E9 informace v ptotokolu DICOM. Podporujem videokonferen\u010Dn\u00ED p\u0159enosy v r\u016Fzn\u00FDch form\u00E1tech a rozli\u0161en\u00EDch s preferenc\u00ED na HD. V p\u0159\u00EDsp\u011Bvku je uk\u00E1z\u00E1no n\u011Bkolik konkr\u00E9tn\u00EDch aplikac\u00ED, kter\u00E9 jsou \u00FAsp\u011B\u0161n\u011B pou\u017E\u00EDv\u00E1ny v experiment\u00E1ln\u00EDm i klinick\u00E9m provozu."@cs . "Navr\u00E1til, Ji\u0159\u00ED" . . . "CESNET Activities for Czech Medicine" . . "359338" . . "CESNET Activities for Czech Medicine"@en . "CESNET as research organization is active in development and implementation of new network technologies and applications. We support applications that requesting exchange large volume of data, high transmission speed, defined response time or high level of privacy. CESNET creates independent E2E paths, private and virtual network on different level of protocols for different groups of users (grid, data centers, hospitals, digital libraries, etc.). Currently, we focus mainly on applications from the area of medicine and particle physics. In the field of medicine we support several applications that connecting university and research hospitals for DICOM data exchange. In collaboration with the universities and several clinics we are developing tools for interactive 3D collaboration environment. We support multimedia services using standard signaling protocols (H.323, SIP, SS7), MCU for multipoint live surgery, etc. CESNET research group also work on the multipoint wide area transmission of uncompress..." . . . . "Aktivity CESNETu pro oblast medic\u00EDny"@cs . . "1"^^ . . "http://www.apan.net/meetings/hawaii2008/proposals/medical.html#jiri" . "Aktivity CESNETu pro oblast medic\u00EDny"@cs . "1"^^ . . "CESNET Activities for Czech Medicine" . . "CESNET as research organization is active in development and implementation of new network technologies and applications. We support applications that requesting exchange large volume of data, high transmission speed, defined response time or high level of privacy. CESNET creates independent E2E paths, private and virtual network on different level of protocols for different groups of users (grid, data centers, hospitals, digital libraries, etc.). Currently, we focus mainly on applications from the area of medicine and particle physics. In the field of medicine we support several applications that connecting university and research hospitals for DICOM data exchange. In collaboration with the universities and several clinics we are developing tools for interactive 3D collaboration environment. We support multimedia services using standard signaling protocols (H.323, SIP, SS7), MCU for multipoint live surgery, etc. CESNET research group also work on the multipoint wide area transmission of uncompress..."@en . . "RIV/63839172:_____/08:00000888!RIV09-MSM-63839172" . "CESNET; DWDM; DICOM; video; life surgery; DVTS"@en .