"Tato technick\u00E1 zpr\u00E1va popisuje metodu anotace sch\u00E9mat XML vyj\u00E1d\u0159en\u00FDch v jazyku RELAX NG. Anotace pou\u017E\u00EDvaj\u00ED p\u0159irozen\u00E9 zna\u010Dkov\u00E1n\u00ED reStructuredTextu (reST). Anotovan\u00E9 sch\u00E9ma je validn\u00EDm RELAX NG XML dokumentem a m\u016F\u017Ee b\u00FDt transformov\u00E1no na reST dokument pomoc\u00ED stylu XSLT. Takov\u00E9 sch\u00E9ma pak m\u016F\u017Ee b\u00FDt prezentov\u00E1no jako HTML nebo LaTeX s p\u0159idanou hodnotou vyzna\u010Den\u00FDch obousm\u011Brn\u00FDch hyperlink\u016F mezi definicemi a odkazy v RELAX NG."@cs . "Anotace sch\u00E9mat XML pomoc\u00ED reStructuredTextu"@cs . "Annotating XML Schemas with reStructuredText" . "RIV/63839172:_____/06:00000492!RIV07-MSM-63839172" . "[D6EFC984D4BE]" . . . "Lhotka, Ladislav" . "XML; RELAX NG; reStructuredText; XSLT"@en . "Annotating XML Schemas with reStructuredText"@en . . . . . "1"^^ . "Anotace sch\u00E9mat XML pomoc\u00ED reStructuredTextu"@cs . . . . "1"^^ . . "CESNET, z. s. p. o." . . "465440" . . . "RIV/63839172:_____/06:00000492" . . . "This technical report describes a method for annotating XML schemas expressed in the RELAX NG language. The annotations use a natural text markup of reStructuredText (reST). The annotated schema is a valid RELAX NG XML document that can transformed into a reST document via an XSLT stylesheet. Consequently, the schema can be easily presented as HTML or LaTeX with added value of bidirectional hyperlinks between RELAX NG definitions and their references." . "Annotating XML Schemas with reStructuredText"@en . "Annotating XML Schemas with reStructuredText" . . "Technical Report 3/2006" . . "Z(MSM6383917201)" . "http://www.cesnet.cz/doc/techzpravy/2006/rngrest/" . "This technical report describes a method for annotating XML schemas expressed in the RELAX NG language. The annotations use a natural text markup of reStructuredText (reST). The annotated schema is a valid RELAX NG XML document that can transformed into a reST document via an XSLT stylesheet. Consequently, the schema can be easily presented as HTML or LaTeX with added value of bidirectional hyperlinks between RELAX NG definitions and their references."@en .