. "Any more to contraception\u2019s question"@en . . "Neexistuje pr\u00E1vn\u00ED norma zakazuj\u00EDc\u00ED sexu\u00E1ln\u00ED \u017Eivot osob\u011B mlad\u0161\u00ED patn\u00E1cti let a proto ji nelze odp\u00EDrat p\u0159\u00EDstup k antikoncepci. Pacientka nen\u00ED povinna uv\u00E1d\u011Bt a l\u00E9ka\u0159 nen\u00ED povinen d\u016Fvod \u017E\u00E1dosti zkoumat." . . . "sexual life; juvenile; child; contraception"@en . "RIV/62690094:18610/11:43866424!RIV12-MSM-18610___" . "There is no legal norm prohibiting sexual life of a person younger than fifteen years and therefore it can not be denied access to the contraception. A patient is not obliged to mention the reason for the patient\u2019s request and a doctor is not obliged to find out the reason for the request."@en . . "Speci\u00E1ln\u00ED pedagogika : \u010Dasopis pro teorii a praxi speci\u00E1ln\u00ED pedagogiky" . . . "18610" . . "3" . "206488" . "[0E3805F80BC5]" . "RIV/62690094:18610/11:43866424" . "Mitl\u00F6hner, Miroslav" . . . "N" . "1211-2720" . "Any more to contraception\u2019s question"@en . "Je\u0161t\u011B k ot\u00E1zce antikoncepce"@cs . . "CZ - \u010Cesk\u00E1 republika" . "Je\u0161t\u011B k ot\u00E1zce antikoncepce"@cs . . "21" . "Je\u0161t\u011B k ot\u00E1zce antikoncepce" . . . "1"^^ . "Je\u0161t\u011B k ot\u00E1zce antikoncepce" . "1"^^ . . "2"^^ . "Neexistuje pr\u00E1vn\u00ED norma zakazuj\u00EDc\u00ED sexu\u00E1ln\u00ED \u017Eivot osob\u011B mlad\u0161\u00ED patn\u00E1cti let a proto ji nelze odp\u00EDrat p\u0159\u00EDstup k antikoncepci. Pacientka nen\u00ED povinna uv\u00E1d\u011Bt a l\u00E9ka\u0159 nen\u00ED povinen d\u016Fvod \u017E\u00E1dosti zkoumat."@cs . .