"Selected Elements of Information Management and Marketing in Higher Education" . . . "3"^^ . "Selected Elements of Information Management and Marketing in Higher Education" . "ExtraSystem Praha" . "This monograph brings four interesting views on information management and marketing of the websites. Websites are considered as a tool for the presentation of any subject. They can also be a presentation layer to communicate with the target group or target market segments of e-commerce. The advantage of this book is its focusing on higher education. This sphere in terms of communication can be considered as a sender of communication message towards its audience and as a recipient as well. All universities have relatively easily determined target audience for their messages. On the other hand, all universities make up the target market audience for suppliers of technical devices used in teaching processes. The authors tried to use these relationships to point out some elements of information management and marketing in a relatively homogeneous environment of universities. In separate chapters they have supported their opinions with their own researches. The authors show here some shortages found. This book points out to readers some elements that are important for the proper operation of information management and marketing from the perspective of the target groups or target market segments. In this respect, this book can be considered as beneficial."@en . "3"^^ . . "Dvorak, Donna" . "Informa\u010Dn\u00ED technologie, 2" . . "RIV/62690094:18440/13:50001270!RIV14-MSM-18440___" . . . "Ryashko, Liubov" . "Dvorak, Donna" . "978-80-87570-11-1" . . . . . . "Ryashko, Liubov" . "Selected Elements of Information Management and Marketing in Higher Education"@en . "Higher Education; Marketing; Information Management; Elements; Selected"@en . "Selected Elements of Information Management and Marketing in Higher Education" . "RIV/62690094:18440/13:50001270" . "Praha" . "Chrom\u00FD, Jan" . "99"^^ . . "S" . . . "Selected Elements of Information Management and Marketing in Higher Education"@en . "[8EDBE3D5B0A1]" . . "104482" . "18440" . . "This monograph brings four interesting views on information management and marketing of the websites. Websites are considered as a tool for the presentation of any subject. They can also be a presentation layer to communicate with the target group or target market segments of e-commerce. The advantage of this book is its focusing on higher education. This sphere in terms of communication can be considered as a sender of communication message towards its audience and as a recipient as well. All universities have relatively easily determined target audience for their messages. On the other hand, all universities make up the target market audience for suppliers of technical devices used in teaching processes. The authors tried to use these relationships to point out some elements of information management and marketing in a relatively homogeneous environment of universities. In separate chapters they have supported their opinions with their own researches. The authors show here some shortages found. This book points out to readers some elements that are important for the proper operation of information management and marketing from the perspective of the target groups or target market segments. In this respect, this book can be considered as beneficial." . . "99"^^ .