. "The aim of the study was to follow the changes of concentration of selenium in goat?s milk during short term supplementation 250 \u03BCg of selenium. The experiment was carried out with 24 lactating dairy goats which were divided in four experimental groups, 6 goats in every group. The first group C was control, the second group S received selenium in form of yeast, the third group L received selenium in form of lactate-protein complex, and the fourth group received selenium in form of proteinate. During first 5 days of experiment the concentration of Se in milk grew up in group S and until the end of experiment was significantly higher than in other groups. The average concentrations of Se in milk were from day 7 to day 20 of supplementation following: 12.53 ? 3.69 \u03BCg.l-1 (group C), 25.90 ? 6.30 \u03BCg.l-1 (group S), 13.14 ? 3.54 \u03BCg.l-1 (group L), 11.70 ? 3.69 \u03BCg.l-1 (group B). The differences between group S and other groups were highly significant."@en . "Mi\u0161urov\u00E1, Lubica" . "Revista Romana de Medicina Veterinara" . . "The aim of the study was to follow the changes of concentration of selenium in goat?s milk during short term supplementation 250 \u03BCg of selenium. The experiment was carried out with 24 lactating dairy goats which were divided in four experimental groups, 6 goats in every group. The first group C was control, the second group S received selenium in form of yeast, the third group L received selenium in form of lactate-protein complex, and the fourth group received selenium in form of proteinate. During first 5 days of experiment the concentration of Se in milk grew up in group S and until the end of experiment was significantly higher than in other groups. The average concentrations of Se in milk were from day 7 to day 20 of supplementation following: 12.53 ? 3.69 \u03BCg.l-1 (group C), 25.90 ? 6.30 \u03BCg.l-1 (group S), 13.14 ? 3.54 \u03BCg.l-1 (group L), 11.70 ? 3.69 \u03BCg.l-1 (group B). The differences between group S and other groups were highly significant." . "RIV/62157124:16170/07:00001529!RIV08-MSM-16170___" . . "The concentration of selenium in goat\u00B4s milk during supplementation of different form of selenium."@en . "milk; goat"@en . "The concentration of selenium in goat\u00B4s milk during supplementation of different form of selenium." . . "The concentration of selenium in goat\u00B4s milk during supplementation of different form of selenium."@en . "Koncentrace selenu v koz\u00EDm ml\u00E9ce v pr\u016Fb\u011Bhu suplementace r\u016Fzn\u00FDch forem selenu."@cs . . . "Z(MSM6215712402)" . "Dvo\u0159\u00E1k, Rudolf" . "RIV/62157124:16170/07:00001529" . "RO - Rumunsko" . "The concentration of selenium in goat\u00B4s milk during supplementation of different form of selenium." . . . "Pavlata, Leo\u0161" . "[3C70BEF5A1FE]" . . . "414697" . "8"^^ . "84-91" . . "Koncentrace selenu v koz\u00EDm ml\u00E9ce v pr\u016Fb\u011Bhu suplementace r\u016Fzn\u00FDch forem selenu."@cs . "1220-3173" . "16170" . "4"^^ . . "2" . "17" . "C\u00EDlem pokusu bylo sledov\u00E1n\u00ED dynamiky zm\u011Bn koncentrace selenu v ml\u00E9ce koz p\u0159i kr\u00E1tkodob\u00E9 peror\u00E1ln\u00ED suplementaci selenu a srovn\u00E1n\u00ED t\u0159\u00ED r\u016Fzn\u00FDch forem selenu: kvasinky obohacen\u00E9 Se (skupina S), lakt\u00E1to-proteinov\u00FD komplex Se (skupina L), protein\u00E1t Se (skupina B). Jednotliv\u00E9 prepar\u00E1ty selenu byly pod\u00E1v\u00E1ny individu\u00E1ln\u011B peror\u00E1ln\u011B po rann\u00EDm krmen\u00ED v d\u00E1vce 250 \u03BCg Se na kus a den po dobu 20 dn\u00ED. Po zah\u00E1jen\u00ED suplementace selenu do\u0161lo b\u011Bhem 5 dn\u016F k postupn\u00E9mu n\u00E1r\u016Fstu koncentrace selenu v ml\u00E9ce ve skupin\u011B S, kde byl pod\u00E1v\u00E1n selen ve form\u011B kvasinek, u ostatn\u00EDch se koncentrace Se v ml\u00E9ce v\u00FDrazn\u011Bji nem\u011Bnily. Od 5.dne byly rozd\u00EDly mezi skupinou S a ostatn\u00EDmi skupinami (C, L, B) statisticky v\u00FDznamn\u00E9. Od 7. do 20. dne suplementace Se byly pr\u016Fm\u011Brn\u00E9 koncentrace Se v ml\u00E9ce u jednotliv\u00FDch skupin 12,53 ? 3,69 \u03BCg.l-1 (C), 25,90 ? 6,30 \u03BCg.l-1 (S), 13,14 ? 3,54 \u03BCg.l-1 (L), 11,70 ? 3,69 \u03BCg.l-1 (B). Rozd\u00EDly mezi skupinou S a ostatn\u00EDmi byly vysoce signifikantn\u00ED."@cs . "Pechov\u00E1, Alena" . . . . . "4"^^ . .