"83-89946-35-1" . "Reakce novorozen\u00FDch jeh\u0148at r\u016Fzn\u00FDch plemen na chladov\u00FD stres"@cs . . . . "16170" . "Achievements and Prospects of Ruminants Medicine" . . "Jeh\u0148ata (n=11-20) plemen Merinolandschaf (ML), Kent, \u0161umavsk\u00E1 ovce (BF) a k\u0159\u00ED\u017Eenci plemen Suffolk a ML (MLxSF) a BFxSF byla odchov\u00E1v\u00E1na v klimatizovan\u00E9 st\u00E1ji p\u0159i 4,1C. Ve v\u011Bku 1 a 3 dny u nich byly vy\u0161et\u0159ov\u00E1ny koncentrace gluk\u00F3zy, NEFA, TAG, T3,T4 a kortizolu. U t\u0159\u00EDdenn\u00EDch jeh\u0148at (n=8-18) bylo p\u016Fsoben\u00ED chladu prohloubeno 20-minutov\u00FDm sprchov\u00E1n\u00EDm. P\u0159ed a po sprchov\u00E1n\u00ED byla jeh\u0148ata sn\u00EDm\u00E1na termoviz\u00ED, byla m\u011B\u0159ena rekt\u00E1ln\u00ED teplota a hodinu po sprchov\u00E1n\u00ED byla zji\u0161\u0165ov\u00E1na reakce uveden\u00FDch biochemick\u00FDch parametr\u016F.Nejodoln\u011Bj\u0161\u00ED v\u016F\u010Di chladu se jevilo plemeno kent (s v\u00FDjimkou T3 absence hormon. a metabol. reakc\u00ED p\u0159i prohlouben\u00ED chladov\u00E9 z\u00E1t\u011B\u017Ee). Odoln\u00E1 byla rovn\u011B\u017E \u0161umavsk\u00E1 ovce, kter\u00E1 vyk\u00E1zala zv\u00FD\u0161en\u00ED pouze u gluk\u00F3zy a NEFA. U obou plemen byly prok\u00E1z\u00E1ny pr\u016Fb\u011B\u017En\u011B podstatn\u011B vy\u0161\u0161\u00ED koncentrace NEFA a TAG.Vn\u00EDmav\u011Bj\u0161\u00ED k chladu byla jeh\u0148ata SxSF. Nejcitliv\u011Bji reagovala na sprchov\u00E1n\u00ED jeh\u0148ata ML a MLxSF. V\u00FDsledky termovizn\u00EDho sledov\u00E1n\u00ED a zm\u011Bny rekt\u00E1ln\u00ED teploty byly v souladu s uveden\u00FDm hodnocen\u00EDm chladov\u00E9 odol"@cs . "P(QD1236)" . . "Doubek, Jaroslav" . "150-157" . "Response of newborn lambs of different breeds to cold stress" . . . "8"^^ . "Kn\u00ED\u017Ekov\u00E1, Ivana" . "Polish Association for Buiatrics,National Veterinary Researc" . "Response of newborn lambs of different breeds to cold stress"@en . . "Fleischer, Petr" . "National Veterinary Research Institute in Pulawy" . "RIV/62157124:16170/05:00000294" . "\u0160los\u00E1rkov\u00E1, So\u0148a" . "Lambs (n=11-20) of such breeds as Merinolandschaf (ML), Kent (K), Bohemian Forest (BF) and crossbreds of ML and Suffolk (MLxSF) and BFxSF were kept in an air-conditioned stable, at 4.1C). On day 1 and 3 they were blood-sampled. In 3-day old lambs(n=8-18) the cold stress was enhanced by 20-min. showering, while scanning them using thermovision. K seemed most resistant to cold (except for the T3 no responses to showering). The BF lambs were also resistant as witnessed only by the rise of the glucose and NEFA. Both breeds showed permanently considerably higher concentrations of NEFA and TAG. The BFxSF lambs were more sensitive to the cold with significant responses to showering found in the glucose, NEFA and TAG. Lambs of the ML and MLxSF breeds were most sensitive to showering showing significant changes of all biochemical parameters. Results of thermovision studies and rectal temperature changes were in accordance with the above-mentioned evaluation of cold resistance." . . "540948" . . . "Response of newborn lambs of different breeds to cold stress" . . "5"^^ . . . "[7988C16471B2]" . "Lambs (n=11-20) of such breeds as Merinolandschaf (ML), Kent (K), Bohemian Forest (BF) and crossbreds of ML and Suffolk (MLxSF) and BFxSF were kept in an air-conditioned stable, at 4.1C). On day 1 and 3 they were blood-sampled. In 3-day old lambs(n=8-18) the cold stress was enhanced by 20-min. showering, while scanning them using thermovision. K seemed most resistant to cold (except for the T3 no responses to showering). The BF lambs were also resistant as witnessed only by the rise of the glucose and NEFA. Both breeds showed permanently considerably higher concentrations of NEFA and TAG. The BFxSF lambs were more sensitive to the cold with significant responses to showering found in the glucose, NEFA and TAG. Lambs of the ML and MLxSF breeds were most sensitive to showering showing significant changes of all biochemical parameters. Results of thermovision studies and rectal temperature changes were in accordance with the above-mentioned evaluation of cold resistance."@en . . "RIV/62157124:16170/05:00000294!RIV06-MZE-16170___" . "Response of newborn lambs of different breeds to cold stress"@en . . . "3"^^ . "M\u00E1tlov\u00E1, V\u011Bra" . . "sheep; nonesterified fatty acids; triacylglycerols; triiodothyronine; thyroxine; cortisol"@en . . . "Reakce novorozen\u00FDch jeh\u0148at r\u016Fzn\u00FDch plemen na chladov\u00FD stres"@cs .