"P(GA524/99/0101), P(KSK5020115), Z(AV0Z5045916), Z(MSM 161700002), Z(MSM 412100003)" . "1" . "CZ - \u010Cesk\u00E1 republika" . . "Concentration of phytic acid in faeces of calves fed starter diets" . . . "nutrition; concentrated feed; phosphorus; phytic acid"@en . . . "[680DFFE16A3F]" . "0001-7213" . "5"^^ . . . . "Rada, Vojt\u011Bch" . "Acta veterinaria Brno" . . "16170" . "Koncentrace kyseliny fytov\u00E9 ve v\u00FDkalech telat krmen\u00FDch start\u00E9rov\u00FDmi koncentr\u00E1ty"@cs . "676206" . "2"^^ . "Marounek, Milan" . . . "70" . . "RIV/62157124:16170/01:00000196" . . . "Ruminants utilize phytic acid well. Tilt! digestive system of young calves, however, is less developed than that of adult animals. The aim of our study was to decide whether phytic acid hydrolysis in the digestive tract of calves is complete or not. Thus, rectal samples of faeces were collected from 16 crossbred calves fed starter diets. Faeces of calves were sampled at the age of 1, 6 and 13 weeks. In starter concentrates and faeces the phytic acid content was determined by capillary isotachophoresis. Two commercial starters containing 9.17 and 12.80,, of phytic acid per kg of dry matter (37.6 and 50.1% of the total P) were offered ad libitum from the 4(th) day of life, Calves were weaned from milk, at the ae of 6 weeks. Phytic acid was determined in 30 out of 37 faecal samples. Its concentration varied widely from I in, to 2.34 g per kg of dry matter. In some samples. the quantity of phytic acid Was insufficient for a precise determination. Phytic acid phosphorus represented 0 to 8.9% of the total P"@en . "Doubek, Jaroslav" . "Concentration of phytic acid in faeces of calves fed starter diets"@en . "5"^^ . "Concentration of phytic acid in faeces of calves fed starter diets"@en . . "Dvo\u0159\u00E1k, Rudolf" . "Ruminants utilize phytic acid well. Tilt! digestive system of young calves, however, is less developed than that of adult animals. The aim of our study was to decide whether phytic acid hydrolysis in the digestive tract of calves is complete or not. Thus, rectal samples of faeces were collected from 16 crossbred calves fed starter diets. Faeces of calves were sampled at the age of 1, 6 and 13 weeks. In starter concentrates and faeces the phytic acid content was determined by capillary isotachophoresis. Two commercial starters containing 9.17 and 12.80,, of phytic acid per kg of dry matter (37.6 and 50.1% of the total P) were offered ad libitum from the 4(th) day of life, Calves were weaned from milk, at the ae of 6 weeks. Phytic acid was determined in 30 out of 37 faecal samples. Its concentration varied widely from I in, to 2.34 g per kg of dry matter. In some samples. the quantity of phytic acid Was insufficient for a precise determination. Phytic acid phosphorus represented 0 to 8.9% of the total P" . "Concentration of phytic acid in faeces of calves fed starter diets" . "P\u0159e\u017Ev\u00FDkavci dok\u00E1\u017E\u00ED dob\u0159e vyu\u017E\u00EDt kyselinu fytovou obsa\u017Eenou v potrav\u011B. U mlad\u00FDch telat je v\u0161ak syst\u00E9m tr\u00E1ven\u00ED m\u00E9n\u011B vyvinut ne\u017E u dosp\u011Bl\u00FDch zv\u00ED\u0159at.C\u00EDlem pr\u00E1ce bylo zjistit, zda kyselina fytov\u00E1 je v tr\u00E1v\u00EDc\u00EDm traktu telat zcela hydrolyzov\u00E1na, \u010Di nikoliv. Odeb\u00EDrali jsme vzorky f\u00E9c\u00E9s u 16 telat p\u0159\u00EDmo z rekta a stanovili kyselinu fytovou metodou kapil\u00E1rn\u00ED isotachofor\u00E9zy. Vzorky byly odeb\u00EDr\u00E1ny ve v\u011Bku 1,6 a 13 t\u00FDdn\u016F. Start\u00E9ry s obsahem 9,17 a 12,80 g kyseliny fytov\u00E9 v 1 kg su\u0161iny (37,6 a 50,1% celkov\u00E9ho P) jsme telat\u016Fm pod\u00E1vali ad libitum od 4. dne po narozen\u00ED. Odstav telat prob\u011Bhl ve v\u011Bku 6 t\u00FDdn\u016F. Pod\u00EDl fyt\u00E1tov\u00E9ho P na celkov\u00E9m obsahu P ve v\u00FDkalech \u010Dinil 0 a\u017E 8,9%. Nejvy\u0161\u0161\u00ED koncentraci kyseliny fytov\u00E9 jsme nalezli u telat ve v\u011Bku 6 t\u00FDdn\u016F. V\u00FDkaly telat ve v\u011Bku 1, 6 a 13 t\u00FDdn\u016F obsahovaly 8+/-4, 477+/-265 a 275+/-211 mg kyseliny fytov\u00E9 v 1 kg su\u0161iny. Lze konstatovat, \u017Ee hydrol\u00FDza kyseliny fytov\u00E9 v tr\u00E1v\u00EDc\u00EDm traktu telat krmen\u00FDch start\u00E9ry nen\u00ED \u00FApln\u00E1 a jej\u00ED mal\u00E1 \u010D\u00E1st p\u0159ech\u00E1z\u00ED do v\u00FDkal\u016F."@cs . "Du\u0161kov\u00E1, Dagmar" . . . . . . "RIV/62157124:16170/01:00000196!RIV06-MSM-16170___" . . "381-385" . . "Koncentrace kyseliny fytov\u00E9 ve v\u00FDkalech telat krmen\u00FDch start\u00E9rov\u00FDmi koncentr\u00E1ty"@cs .