"Polymorphism of prolamine proteins of Triticale varieties registered in the Czech Republic"@en . . "Tritikale (XTriticosecale Wittmack.) pat\u0159\u00ED mezi plodiny samospra\u0161n\u00E9 s n\u00EDzk\u00FDm pod\u00EDlem cizospr\u00E1\u0161en\u00ED (4 - 5%). To znamen\u00E1, \u017Ee v\u011Bt\u0161ina p\u011Bstovan\u00FDch odr\u016Fd je typu Iinie nebo sm\u011Bsi izogenn\u00EDch Iini\u00ED. Pro detekci genetick\u00E9 variability (diverzity) je v sou\u010Dasn\u00E9 dob\u011B k dispozici mnoho metod, nap\u0159. morfologick\u00E1 charakteristika, anal\u00FDza rodokmen\u016F, biochemick\u00E9 markery p\u0159edev\u0161\u00EDm b\u00EDlkoviny a jejich r\u016Fzn\u00E9 izoenzymov\u00E9 varianty, molekul\u00E1m\u00ED (DNA) markery atd. Na\u0161e pracovi\u0161t\u011B m\u00E1 mj. v\u00FDznamn\u00E9 zku\u0161enosti s detekc\u00ED polymorfizmu z\u00E1sobn\u00EDch b\u00EDlkovin zma tritikale, a to frakce rozpustn\u00E9 v alkoholu -prolamin\u016F. Prolaminov\u00E9 b\u00EDlkoviny se vyzna\u010Duj\u00ED vysok\u00FDm polymorfizmem a byly detekov\u00E1ny mnoha autory u \u0159ady elodin, nap\u0159. e\u0161enice (7: monococcum, 7: spelta a 7: aestivum), je\u010Dmene (H. vulgare) a tritikale (\u0160a\u0161ek, Cem\u00FD, 1996; Sa\u0161ek et al., 2000; Vyhn\u00E1nek, Bedn\u00E1\u0159, 2003). V porovn\u00E1n\u00ED s dal\u0161\u00EDmi markery genetick\u00E9 variability maj\u00ED mnoho v\u00FDhod." . "Slovensk\u00E1 po\u013Enohospod\u00E1rska univerzita v Nitre" . "Udr\u017Eateln\u00E9 polnohospod\u00E1rstvo a rozvoj vidieka" . "Polymorfizmus prolaminov\u00FDch b\u00EDlkovin odr\u016Fd tritikale registrovan\u00FDch v\u00A0\u010Cesk\u00E9 republice"@cs . . "3"^^ . "Nitra, Slovak Republic" . . . "Polymorphism of prolamine proteins of Triticale varieties registered in the Czech Republic"@en . "193;195" . "Polymorfizmus prolaminov\u00FDch b\u00EDlkovin odr\u016Fd tritikale registrovan\u00FDch v\u00A0\u010Cesk\u00E9 republice" . "Vyhn\u00E1nek, Tom\u00E1\u0161" . . "RIV/62156489:_____/03:21100026" . . "[73DECBBE0082]" . "Polymorfizmus prolaminov\u00FDch b\u00EDlkovin odr\u016Fd tritikale registrovan\u00FDch v\u00A0\u010Cesk\u00E9 republice"@cs . . . "Bedn\u00E1\u0159, Jan" . . . . . . "From the collection of varieties registered in the Czech Republic polymorphism was detected in 11 triticale genotypes (XTriticosecale L., 2n = 2x = 42, AABBRR) of Czech, Polish, German and French provenance. Samples of grain were obtained from the Central Agricultural Control and Testing Institute in Brno. The PAGE ISTA (ISTA -Rules) method was used to analyse the polymorphism ofprolamine storage proteins. Separate analyses were made of 22 randomly selected grains from each variety .The The individual electrophoreograms were interpreted qualitatively by means of REM (relative electrophoretic mobility) and quantitatively according to the pigmentation of the protein variant. The results were plotted in graphs using macro \u017D\u00ED\u017Eala in MS Excel, statistical evaluation by means of the Bio lD++ (dendrogram and Dice's conformity coefficient) software. All the analysed triticale varieties have their own unique prolamine spectrum, which allows identification of the respective varieties."@en . . "2003-09-25+02:00"^^ . "2"^^ . . "P(GP521/03/P173)" . "621545" . "triticale (XTriticosecale Wittmack.); prolamin; PAGE-ISTA"@en . "Nitra, Sovak Republic" . "80-8069-246-7" . "0"^^ . . "RIV/62156489:_____/03:21100026!RIV/2004/GA0/430004/N" . "0"^^ . "2"^^ . . "Polymorfizmus prolaminov\u00FDch b\u00EDlkovin odr\u016Fd tritikale registrovan\u00FDch v\u00A0\u010Cesk\u00E9 republice" .