"Acta Universitatis agriculturae et silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis : Acta of Mendel University of agriculture and forestry Brno = Acta Mendelovy zem\u011Bd\u011Blsk\u00E9 a lesnick\u00E9 univerzity v Brn\u011B" . "Distribution and biology of goshawk (Accipiter gentilis L.) in the Ch\u0159iby Upland, the Czech Republic"@en . "Z(MSM6215648902)" . "Distribution and biology of goshawk (Accipiter gentilis L.) in the Ch\u0159iby Upland, the Czech Republic" . . . "57" . "In 2002-2006, mapping the goshawk (Accipiter gentilis L.) population was carried out at the SE edge of the Ch\u0159iby Upland. At the same time, the food spectrum of the predator was determined in detail in 2004. The studied area amounted to about 30 km2. In the area, 5 nest localities occurred. The size the home district of one couple was determined to be on average 3.5 to 5.5 km2. The food spectrum was analysed according to leftovers of food in nests and in the vicinity of the nests. In total, 387 leftovers of food were found. Birds represented 52%, mammals 42% and other animals (insect, reptiles etc.) 6% of prey. The population of goshawk was monitored from the period of a wedding flight to a period when young birds left their nest during the period of five years. The number of eggs was on average 2.9 per one nest. The total number of laid eggs was 73 during five years. The number of brood was on average 2.7 per one nest. Sex ratio was 47/53 per cent in favour of males. The total number of hatched birds"@en . "Roz\u0161\u00ED\u0159en\u00ED a biologie jest\u0159\u00E1ba lesn\u00EDho (Accipiter gentilis) v Ch\u0159ibech"@cs . "Distribution and biology of goshawk (Accipiter gentilis L.) in the Ch\u0159iby Upland, the Czech Republic" . . "Distribution and biology of goshawk (Accipiter gentilis L.) in the Ch\u0159iby Upland, the Czech Republic"@en . "1" . "RIV/62156489:43410/09:00132568" . "Roz\u0161\u00ED\u0159en\u00ED a biologie jest\u0159\u00E1ba lesn\u00EDho (Accipiter gentilis) v Ch\u0159ibech"@cs . . "43410" . "11"^^ . . . "2"^^ . . "CZ - \u010Cesk\u00E1 republika" . "2"^^ . . "In 2002-2006, mapping the goshawk (Accipiter gentilis L.) population was carried out at the SE edge of the Ch\u0159iby Upland. At the same time, the food spectrum of the predator was determined in detail in 2004. The studied area amounted to about 30 km2. In the area, 5 nest localities occurred. The size the home district of one couple was determined to be on average 3.5 to 5.5 km2. The food spectrum was analysed according to leftovers of food in nests and in the vicinity of the nests. In total, 387 leftovers of food were found. Birds represented 52%, mammals 42% and other animals (insect, reptiles etc.) 6% of prey. The population of goshawk was monitored from the period of a wedding flight to a period when young birds left their nest during the period of five years. The number of eggs was on average 2.9 per one nest. The total number of laid eggs was 73 during five years. The number of brood was on average 2.7 per one nest. Sex ratio was 47/53 per cent in favour of males. The total number of hatched birds" . . "\u010Cerm\u00E1k, Petr" . "V roce 2002-2006 prob\u011Bhlo na jihov\u00FDchodn\u00EDm okraji pahorkatiny Ch\u0159iby mapov\u00E1n\u00ED populace jest\u0159\u00E1ba lesn\u00EDho (Accipiter gentilis L.). Sou\u010Dasn\u011B bylo v roce 2004 podrobn\u011B zji\u0161\u0165ov\u00E1no potravn\u00ED spektrum tohoto dravce. Z\u00E1jmov\u00E9 \u00FAzem\u00ED zab\u00EDralo cca 30 km2. Na tomto \u00FAzem\u00ED se nach\u00E1zelo 5 hn\u00EDzdn\u00EDch lokalit. Velikost are\u00E1lu jednoho p\u00E1ru byla stanovena pr\u016Fm\u011Brn\u011B na 3,5-5,5 km2. Potravn\u00ED spektrum bylo analyzov\u00E1no dle zbytk\u016F potravy v okol\u00ED hn\u00EDzd a v samotn\u00FDch hn\u00EDzdech. Celkem bylo nalezeno 387 zbytk\u016F potravy. Pt\u00E1ci \u010Dinili 52 %, savci 42% a ostatn\u00ED \u017Eivo\u010Dichov\u00E9 (hmyz, plazi atd.) 6% ko\u0159isti. Populace jest\u0159\u00E1ba byla sledov\u00E1na od svatebn\u00EDho letu a\u017E do doby, kdy ml\u00E1\u010Fata opustila hn\u00EDzdo v \u010Dasov\u00E9m obdob\u00ED p\u011Bti let. Po\u010Det vajec byl pr\u016Fm\u011Brn\u011B 2,9 ks na jedno hn\u00EDzdo. Celkov\u00FD po\u010Det snesen\u00FDch vajec za p\u011Bt let byl 73 ks. Po\u010Det ml\u00E1\u010Fat byl pr\u016Fm\u011Brn\u011B 2,7 ks na jedno hn\u00EDzdo. Pom\u011Br pohlav\u00ED byl 47% ku 53% ve prosp\u011Bch samc\u016F. Celkov\u00FD po\u010Det vyl\u00EDhl\u00FDch ml\u00E1\u010Fat za p\u011Bt let byl 68 ks, z toho bylo 32 samic a 36 samc\u016F. D\u00E1le byly zji\u0161t\u011Bny rozm\u011B"@cs . . . . "1211-8516" . "310850" . . . . . "Tome\u0161ek, Martin" . "RIV/62156489:43410/09:00132568!RIV09-MSM-43410___" . "[DA31963AD920]" . "population; food spectrum; nesting period"@en .