. "3"^^ . "Pr\u00E1ce analyzuje p\u0159\u00ED\u010Diny ch\u0159adnut\u00ED smrkov\u00FDch porost\u016F na LS Horn\u00ED Blatn\u00E1 (Kru\u0161n\u00E9 hory). C\u00EDlem \u0161et\u0159en\u00ED bylo srovnat v\u00FDvin a zdravotn\u00ED stav ko\u0159enov\u00E9ho syst\u00E9mu stejn\u011B vysok\u00FDch \u017Eloutnut\u00EDm posti\u017Een\u00FDch strom\u016F (s defoliac\u00ED nebo zm\u011Bnou barvy asimila\u010Dn\u00EDho apar\u00E1tu 40--60 %) a zdrav\u00FDch strom\u016F (bez vizu\u00E1ln\u00EDch symptom\u016F po\u0161kozen\u00ED, p\u0159\u00EDpadn\u011B s defoliac\u00ED nebo zm\u011Bnou barvy asimila\u010Dn\u00EDho apar\u00E1tu do 10 %), rostouc\u00EDch v jednom porostu. V porostech do v\u011Bku dvacet let bylo v\u017Edy analyzov\u00E1no minim\u00E1ln\u011B 12 strom\u016F, ve dvacetilet\u00FDch a star\u0161\u00EDch porostech minim\u00E1ln\u011B 6 strom\u016F (zdrav\u00FDch i po\u0161kozen\u00FDch). Ko\u0159enov\u00E9 syst\u00E9my byly vyzvednuty ru\u010Dn\u011B a jejich v\u00FDvin byl posuzov\u00E1n ve vazb\u011B na p\u016Fdn\u00ED horizonty. U ka\u017Ed\u00E9ho stromu byly m\u011B\u0159eny a hodnoceny: celkov\u00E1 v\u00FD\u0161ka nadzemn\u00ED \u010D\u00E1sti, tlou\u0161\u0165ka kmene v d1,3, d\u00E9lka termin\u00E1ln\u00EDch v\u00FDhon\u016F v letech 2004, 2005, deformace ko\u0159enov\u00E9ho syst\u00E9mu do strboulu, po\u010Det a tlou\u0161\u0165ka horizont\u00E1ln\u00EDch kostern\u00EDch ko\u0159en\u016F, po\u010Det a tlou\u0161\u0165ka kotevn\u00EDch ko\u0159en\u016F. Z nam\u011B\u0159en\u00FDch hodnot byl vypo\u010D\u00EDt\u00E1n Index ploch (Ip), kter\u00FD ud\u00E1v\u00E1 vztah mezi v"@cs . "Root system emergence and health condition in Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) affected by yellowing of assimilatory apparatus in the region of the Kru\u0161n\u00E9 hory Mts."@en . "393294" . . . "1336-5266" . . "Root system emergence and health condition in Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) affected by yellowing of assimilatory apparatus in the region of the Kru\u0161n\u00E9 hory Mts." . . "3"^^ . . . "The paper analyses the decline of Norway spruce stands over a region operated by the Forest Administration in Horn\u00ED Blatn\u00E1 (Kru\u0161n\u00E9 hory Mts) and its causes. Root system analyses made in 238 trees (age 10--117 years, Forest Altitudinal Vegetation Zones 6 and 7, modal podzol) showed that all trees affected by yellowing of their assimilatory apparatus had a smaller root system, worse root pattern distribution, root systems malformed into a tangle, smaller rooting depth and lower biomass and vitality of fine roots. Until an age of about 10 years, trees at good health condition are those, which have created a large superficial root system. From an age of about 20 years, healthy trees are those, which have created a large anchoring root system with anchors reaching into the Bs horizon. Impaired vitality induced in affected trees invasion of the honey fungus causing the infestation of individual root system branches (namely anchors), and reducing the size and hence the functionality of the root system."@en . "Folia oecologica" . . "Root system emergence and health condition in Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) affected by yellowing of assimilatory apparatus in the region of the Kru\u0161n\u00E9 hory Mts."@en . "P(QG60060), Z(MSM6215648902)" . . "Root system emergence and health condition in Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) affected by yellowing of assimilatory apparatus in the region of the Kru\u0161n\u00E9 hory Mts." . "Pal\u00E1tov\u00E1, Eva" . . "RIV/62156489:43410/08:00134295!RIV09-MZE-43410___" . "Pop, Martin" . . "SK - Slovensk\u00E1 republika" . . . . "Mauer, Old\u0159ich" . . . "V\u00FDvin a zdravotn\u00ED stav ko\u0159enov\u00E9ho syst\u00E9mu smrku ztepil\u00E9ho (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) posti\u017Een\u00E9ho \u017Eloutnut\u00EDm asimila\u010Dn\u00EDho apar\u00E1tu v oblasti Kru\u0161n\u00FDch hor"@cs . . "The paper analyses the decline of Norway spruce stands over a region operated by the Forest Administration in Horn\u00ED Blatn\u00E1 (Kru\u0161n\u00E9 hory Mts) and its causes. Root system analyses made in 238 trees (age 10--117 years, Forest Altitudinal Vegetation Zones 6 and 7, modal podzol) showed that all trees affected by yellowing of their assimilatory apparatus had a smaller root system, worse root pattern distribution, root systems malformed into a tangle, smaller rooting depth and lower biomass and vitality of fine roots. Until an age of about 10 years, trees at good health condition are those, which have created a large superficial root system. From an age of about 20 years, healthy trees are those, which have created a large anchoring root system with anchors reaching into the Bs horizon. Impaired vitality induced in affected trees invasion of the honey fungus causing the infestation of individual root system branches (namely anchors), and reducing the size and hence the functionality of the root system." . . "2" . "RIV/62156489:43410/08:00134295" . . "12"^^ . "root system; decline; rots; Norway spruce; yellowing of assimilatory apparatus"@en . "43410" . . "[C6746349C7DA]" . "V\u00FDvin a zdravotn\u00ED stav ko\u0159enov\u00E9ho syst\u00E9mu smrku ztepil\u00E9ho (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) posti\u017Een\u00E9ho \u017Eloutnut\u00EDm asimila\u010Dn\u00EDho apar\u00E1tu v oblasti Kru\u0161n\u00FDch hor"@cs . "35" . .