. "RIV/62156489:43410/07:00112301!RIV08-MZE-43410___" . . "Mycorrhiza and technology of raising the planting stock of forest tree species"@en . . "43410" . "117;136" . . . "Mycorrhiza and technology of raising the planting stock of forest tree species" . "RIV/62156489:43410/07:00112301" . . "2"^^ . "Pr\u00E1ce analyzuje vliv hlavn\u00EDch technologi\u00ED p\u011Bstov\u00E1n\u00ED sadebn\u00EDho materi\u00E1lu a jejich jednotliv\u00FDch \u010D\u00E1st\u00ED na v\u00FDvin ektomykorhiz smrku ztepil\u00E9ho (Picea abies /L./ Karst.) a buku lesn\u00EDho (Fagus sylvatica L.). Hodnoceny jsou tyto technologie - p\u011Bstov\u00E1n\u00ED v nekryt\u00E9 miner\u00E1ln\u00ED p\u016Fd\u011B, obohacen\u00FDch ra\u0161elinov\u00FDch substr\u00E1tech a hydroponie. Detailn\u011Bji jsou sledov\u00E1ny tyto vlivy - desinfekce, vlhkost a acidita substr\u00E1tu, zp\u016Fsoby hnojen\u00ED. Analyzov\u00E1n je r\u016Fst um\u011Ble inokulovan\u00FDch a neinokulovan\u00FDch rostlin ve \u0161kolk\u00E1ch a po jejich v\u00FDsadb\u011B na rozd\u00EDln\u00E1 stanovi\u0161t\u011B. Pro jednotliv\u00E9 technologie a zp\u016Fsoby p\u011Bstov\u00E1n\u00ED sadebn\u00EDho materi\u00E1lu jsou stanoveny limity pro optim\u00E1ln\u00ED v\u00FDvin mykorhiz, je navr\u017Een postup p\u011Bstov\u00E1n\u00ED a u\u017Eit\u00ED um\u011Ble inokulovan\u00E9ho sadebn\u00EDho materi\u00E1lu."@cs . "[CC1D21A14E56]" . "20"^^ . "P(QG60060), Z(MSM6215648902)" . . "Mauer, Old\u0159ich" . . . "Mycorrhiza and technology of raising the planting stock of forest tree species" . "Mykorhiza a technologie p\u011Bstov\u00E1n\u00ED sadebn\u00EDho materi\u00E1lu lesn\u00EDch d\u0159evin"@cs . "Str\u00E1\u017Enice" . "978-80-86461-82-3" . "2"^^ . . "The paper brings an analysis into the development of main technologies of raising the planting stock and their individual parts on the emergence of ectomycorrhiza in Norway spruce (Picea abies /L./ KARST.) and European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.). Assessed technologies are as follows: cultivation in open mineral soil, in enriched peat substrates and in hydroponics. Effects studied into detail were: disinfection, substrate moisture content and acidity, methods of fertilization. Analyzed is the growth of artifi cially inoculated and uninoculated plants in nurseries and after planting onto different sites. For the individual technologies and techniques of raising the planting stock limits are established for an optimum development of the mycorrhizae, and a procedure is suggested for the raising and use of artifi cially inoculated planting stock." . . "Mykorhiza a technologie p\u011Bstov\u00E1n\u00ED sadebn\u00EDho materi\u00E1lu lesn\u00EDch d\u0159evin"@cs . "V\u00DALHM" . . "435825" . . "2007-09-11+02:00"^^ . "Kvalita reproduk\u010Dn\u00EDho materi\u00E1lu lesn\u00EDch d\u0159evin" . "The paper brings an analysis into the development of main technologies of raising the planting stock and their individual parts on the emergence of ectomycorrhiza in Norway spruce (Picea abies /L./ KARST.) and European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.). Assessed technologies are as follows: cultivation in open mineral soil, in enriched peat substrates and in hydroponics. Effects studied into detail were: disinfection, substrate moisture content and acidity, methods of fertilization. Analyzed is the growth of artifi cially inoculated and uninoculated plants in nurseries and after planting onto different sites. For the individual technologies and techniques of raising the planting stock limits are established for an optimum development of the mycorrhizae, and a procedure is suggested for the raising and use of artifi cially inoculated planting stock."@en . "J\u00EDlovi\u0161t\u011B" . . "Mauerov\u00E1, Petra" . . . "mykorhiza; planting stock; forest tree species"@en . . "Mycorrhiza and technology of raising the planting stock of forest tree species"@en . . .