"RIV/62156489:43210/12:00191442" . . "43210" . "Bansk\u00E1 Bystrica" . . "4"^^ . "Ecosystems and their functions" . "Bansk\u00E1 Bystrica" . "5"^^ . "Root system properties of two Festulolium cultivars under different irrigation regimes" . "Raus, Josef" . . "2012-01-01+01:00"^^ . . . "Root system properties of two Festulolium cultivars under different irrigation regimes"@en . . "[A36A7A04F05A]" . "Plant Production Research Center - Grassland and Mountain Agriculture Research Institute Bansk\u00E1 Bystrica" . . "978-80-89417-40-7" . . "Sochorec, Martin" . "RIV/62156489:43210/12:00191442!RIV13-MSM-43210___" . . . . . . "Characteristics of root system of two grass intergeneric hybrids, forage cultivars 'Be\u010Dva' and 'Felina' (F. arundinacea x L. multiflorum) were investigated. Seedlings were planted in plastic tubes one meter long filled with fine sand. Doses of water based on long-term precipitations amounts of south Moravia were divided into four (moist treatment) and two (dry treatment) portions per month. After three months of cultivation plants were removed and root systems were scanned under high resolution. Images were processed by WinRhizo software to measure root properties: length, surface, average diameter and volume. After analysis roots were dried up and weighted. Longer irrigation intervals did not cause any significant differences in the root properties of cultivar 'Be\u010Dva'. Total weights were 5. 30 g (dry) and 5.35 g (moist). 75 % of root biomass was allocated in depth 0 -- 50 cm in both treatments. The biomass of roots of cv. 'Felina' was only 2.12 g in dry treatment compared to 5.44 g in the moist one. Length, surface area and volume were lower in comparison with moist treatment by more than 50 % as well. Plants of dry treatment had higher portions of length, volume and surface area in depth 50 -- 100 cm than those irrigated every week. Diameter of roots was bigger in dry treatments."@en . . "Root system properties of two Festulolium cultivars under different irrigation regimes" . . "grass; Festulolium; root system; drought"@en . . . . "166162" . . "Hejduk, Stanislav" . "Characteristics of root system of two grass intergeneric hybrids, forage cultivars 'Be\u010Dva' and 'Felina' (F. arundinacea x L. multiflorum) were investigated. Seedlings were planted in plastic tubes one meter long filled with fine sand. Doses of water based on long-term precipitations amounts of south Moravia were divided into four (moist treatment) and two (dry treatment) portions per month. After three months of cultivation plants were removed and root systems were scanned under high resolution. Images were processed by WinRhizo software to measure root properties: length, surface, average diameter and volume. After analysis roots were dried up and weighted. Longer irrigation intervals did not cause any significant differences in the root properties of cultivar 'Be\u010Dva'. Total weights were 5. 30 g (dry) and 5.35 g (moist). 75 % of root biomass was allocated in depth 0 -- 50 cm in both treatments. The biomass of roots of cv. 'Felina' was only 2.12 g in dry treatment compared to 5.44 g in the moist one. Length, surface area and volume were lower in comparison with moist treatment by more than 50 % as well. Plants of dry treatment had higher portions of length, volume and surface area in depth 50 -- 100 cm than those irrigated every week. Diameter of roots was bigger in dry treatments." . . "Root system properties of two Festulolium cultivars under different irrigation regimes"@en . "Knot, Pavel" . "4"^^ . "S" .