"Definition of Innovation: Approaches and Consequences" . "43110" . "Z(MSM6215648904)" . "Saint-Petersburg" . . . "2010-01-01+01:00"^^ . "Beranov\u00E1, Michaela" . . . "Definition of Innovation: Approaches and Consequences"@en . . "Pol\u00E1k, Josef" . . . "978-5-9978-0209-7" . "Sankt-Peterburgskij gosudarstvenij in\u017Eenierno-ek" . . "RIV/62156489:43110/11:00165079!RIV13-MSM-43110___" . . . . . "193117" . . "13"^^ . . . "RIV/62156489:43110/11:00165079" . "In concurrent globalized world, innovations are considered as one of the basic prerequisites of economic development and ongoing competitiveness of companies. For all that, there does not exist any generally accepted definition of innovation. Almost every author works with his/her, more or less own definition while these definitions are built on various bases. In literature, it is possible to find definitions based on a requirement of novelty, or other which focal point is increase in value for customer, respectively for the society. These definitions are followed by those derived from classification of innovations. In the article, authors provide the comparison of these definitions and by application of analysis and synthesis they compile their own definition while they assume the key characteristics that are identical or allied in a range of existing definitions. These key characteristics are especially the successful application of a new idea in practice and increase in value for customer, social group or for the whole society." . "Buchgalt\u011Brskij u\u010Det, analiz i audit: istoria, savremennos\u0165 i perspektivy razvitija. Me\u017Edunarodnaja nau\u010Dnaja konferencija stud\u011Bntov, aspirantov, prepodavat\u011Blej 26-28 oktjabra 2010, Sankt-Peterburgskij gosudarstvenij in\u017Eenierno-ekonomi\u010Deskij universitet" . "Saint-Petersburg State University of Engineering and Economics" . . . "[5310F5578A3F]" . "3"^^ . "definitions of innovations; invention; innovation; classification of innovations"@en . "Definition of Innovation: Approaches and Consequences"@en . . "Definition of Innovation: Approaches and Consequences" . "Tabas, Jakub" . . "3"^^ . . "In concurrent globalized world, innovations are considered as one of the basic prerequisites of economic development and ongoing competitiveness of companies. For all that, there does not exist any generally accepted definition of innovation. Almost every author works with his/her, more or less own definition while these definitions are built on various bases. In literature, it is possible to find definitions based on a requirement of novelty, or other which focal point is increase in value for customer, respectively for the society. These definitions are followed by those derived from classification of innovations. In the article, authors provide the comparison of these definitions and by application of analysis and synthesis they compile their own definition while they assume the key characteristics that are identical or allied in a range of existing definitions. These key characteristics are especially the successful application of a new idea in practice and increase in value for customer, social group or for the whole society."@en .