. . "Z(MSM6215648904)" . . . "0139-570X" . . "Management p\u0159irovn\u00E1v\u00E1me k %22bonsaji%22 nebo\u0165 Mana\u017Eersk\u00E1 bonsaj dlouhodob\u011B integruje sv\u00E9 ko\u0159eny a tak i r\u00E1mec,kmen v\u0161eobecn\u00E9ho managementu a na n\u011Bm rozv\u00EDjenou korunu v\u011Btven\u00ED v re\u00E1ln\u00E9m \u010Dase. Management jako v\u011Bdn\u00ED discipl\u00EDna mus\u00ED rozv\u00EDjet nov\u00E9 mana\u017Eersk\u00E9 premisy, kter\u00E9 reaguj\u00ED na globaliza\u010Dn\u00ED trendy sv\u011Btov\u00E9 ekonomiky resp. k nim vytv\u00E1\u0159et progresivn\u011Bj\u0161\u00ED. Management bude \u00FAsp\u011B\u0161n\u00FD, kdy\u017E sv\u016Fj rozvoj postav\u00ED na znalostech lid\u00ED a jejich rozvoji. Mus\u00ED v\u0161ak p\u0159ekro\u010Dit hranice podniku a dokonce i st\u00E1tu a vz\u00EDt do \u00FAvahy i nep\u0159etr\u017Eit\u00FD v\u00FDvoj technologi\u00ED. Ve vztahu k technologi\u00EDm ch\u00E1pe \u010Dlov\u011Bka jako nositele znalost\u00ED, chov\u00E1 se k n\u011Bmu jako k investici nebo\u0165 si uv\u011Bdomuje, \u017Ee je zdrojem dlouhodob\u00FDch zisk\u016F."@cs . "RIV/62156489:43110/07:00109723!RIV08-MSM-43110___" . . . "412133" . "[C97E128EBAE2]" . "43110" . "The bonsai management"@en . "The bonsai management"@en . "291;297" . . "1"^^ . "7" . . . "Teorie mana\u017Eersk\u00E9 bonsaje"@cs . "53" . "management bonsai, human resources, knowledge"@en . "1"^^ . "Management can be understood as a %22bonsai%22 integrating its roots in long-term bases with the trunk of general management growing from it supporting a cultivated treetop branching out in the real time. Managers need to develop a new understanding of the management process that will respond to global trends in the world's economy. More precisely it needs to create more progressive management styles. Management will be successful if it is based upon people's own knowledge and their development. In addition it has to look beyond the confines of the company and even of the country and to take into account the on-going and permanent development of technology. With particular regard to technology, man should be seen as a bearer of knowledge, regarded as an investment and seen as a source of long-term profit." . . "RIV/62156489:43110/07:00109723" . . "CZ - \u010Cesk\u00E1 republika" . . "Management can be understood as a %22bonsai%22 integrating its roots in long-term bases with the trunk of general management growing from it supporting a cultivated treetop branching out in the real time. Managers need to develop a new understanding of the management process that will respond to global trends in the world's economy. More precisely it needs to create more progressive management styles. Management will be successful if it is based upon people's own knowledge and their development. In addition it has to look beyond the confines of the company and even of the country and to take into account the on-going and permanent development of technology. With particular regard to technology, man should be seen as a bearer of knowledge, regarded as an investment and seen as a source of long-term profit."@en . "The bonsai management" . . "Tom\u0161\u00EDk, Pavel" . "The bonsai management" . "7"^^ . "Agricultural Economics" . . "Teorie mana\u017Eersk\u00E9 bonsaje"@cs .