. . . "Regec, Vojt\u011Bch" . . "RIV/61989592:15410/14:33153435!RIV15-MSM-15410___" . "Rozvoj informa\u010Dnej gramotnosti vyu\u017Eit\u00EDm vybran\u00FDch editorov a jazyka MathML vo vzdel\u00E1van\u00ED zrakovo postihnut\u00FDch" . "1"^^ . "visual impairment; education; MathML language; information literacy; Lambda editor; BlindMoose editor"@en . "15410" . "Cie\u013Eom pr\u00EDspevku je prezentova\u0165 \u0161pecifik\u00E1 vyu\u017Eitia editora BlindMoose, editora Lambda a jazyka MathML v kontexte rozvoja informa\u010Dnej gramotnosti vo vzdel\u00E1van\u00ED integrovan\u00FDch \u017Eiakov so zrakov\u00FDm postihnut\u00FDch na stredn\u00FDch \u0161kol\u00E1ch v \u010Ceskej republike. V r\u00E1mci realizovan\u00E9ho v\u00FDskumu sme na vzorke pracovn\u00EDkov z jeden\u00E1stich \u0161peci\u00E1lnopedagogick\u00FDch centier pre zrakovo postihnut\u00FDch sledovali, ak\u00E1 je ich informovanos\u0165 o editoroch a jazyku MathML. Zistili sme, \u017Ee probl\u00E9mom praxe s\u00FA neuspokojiv\u00E9 znalosti pracovn\u00EDkoch \u0161peci\u00E1lnopedagogick\u00FDch centier pre zrakovo postihnut\u00FDch a u\u010Dite\u013Eov zo stredn\u00FDch \u0161k\u00F4l o celkovom preh\u013Eade t\u00FDchto editorov ako aj nedostato\u010Dn\u00E9 praktick\u00E9 sk\u00FAsenosti v oblasti ich vyu\u017Eitia vo vzdel\u00E1van\u00ED. Taktie\u017E sme zis\u0165ovali, \u010Di miera informa\u010Dnej gramotnosti determinuje okrem vyu\u010Dovania matematiky a technick\u00FDch predmetov aj \u0161ir\u0161ie aspekty socializ\u00E1cie zrakovo postihnut\u00FDch." . . "Development of information literacy using selected editors and MathML language in educating persons with visual impairment"@en . "RIV/61989592:15410/14:33153435" . . . . . "1"^^ . "Rozvoj informa\u010Dnej gramotnosti vyu\u017Eit\u00EDm vybran\u00FDch editorov a jazyka MathML vo vzdel\u00E1van\u00ED zrakovo postihnut\u00FDch" . . "The aim of the paper is to present the specifics of utilization of the BlindMoose editor, Lambda editor and MathML language in the context of developing information literacy when educating integrated pupils with visual impairment at secondary schools in the Czech Republic. Within our research, on the sample of employees from eleven special education centres for visually impaired persons, we have monitored their level of awareness of the editors and MathML language. We found out that the problem in practice consists in unsatisfactory general knowledge regarding these editors as well as insufficient practical experience in their utilization in education process among the staff of special education centres working with visually impaired clients as well as among the secondary school teachers. At the same time, we have examined whether in addition to mathematics and technical subjects, the rate of information literacy also determines broader aspects of socialization of the persons with visual impairment."@en . . "Journal of Technology and Information Education" . . "5"^^ . "43502" . "[A4B2FBD92DA8]" . "Development of information literacy using selected editors and MathML language in educating persons with visual impairment"@en . . . . . "2" . . "1803-537X" . "6" . "S" . "CZ - \u010Cesk\u00E1 republika" .