. . "[5D1AE44E1B09]" . . . . . . . "Boc\u00E1kov\u00E1, Milada" . "0001-7272" . . "88" . . "153-158" . "2" . "In a study on the mandible and mandibular articulation of larvae of the lycid genus Platerodrilus Kazantsev proposes a phylogenetic scheme with Polyphaga as a basal group of Neoptera and Lycidae as a basal group within Polyphaga. Here we point out different problems with his interpretation. The taxon sampling was not sufficient. The characters of endopterygote larvae cannot be compared to characters of adults in a phylogenetic context. The neotenic characters of female and adult male Lycidae are not sufficiently taken into account. A phylogenetic hypothesis should be based on multiple character systems and all available data must be considered. Kazantsev based his conclusions on a single isolated character complex. His hypothesis is in deep conflict with a phylogeny based on the molecular data, which clearly show that Lycidae are nested within Elateroidea. The molecular and morphological evidence also implies that females are aberrant neotenic forms and by no means 'primitive'. Kazantsev" . . "Are Polyphaga (Coleoptera) really a basal neopteran lineage - a reply to" . "Jsou Polyphaga skute\u010Dn\u011B baz\u00E1ln\u00ED neoptern\u00ED lini\u00ED - odpov\u011B\u010F Kazantsevovi"@cs . "RIV/61989592:15310/07:00004618" . "Are Polyphaga (Coleoptera) really a basal neopteran lineage - a reply to"@en . "GB - Spojen\u00E9 kr\u00E1lovstv\u00ED Velk\u00E9 Brit\u00E1nie a Severn\u00EDho Irska" . "P(GA206/06/1392), Z(MSM6198959212)" . "15310" . . "In a study on the mandible and mandibular articulation of larvae of the lycid genus Platerodrilus Kazantsev proposes a phylogenetic scheme with Polyphaga as a basal group of Neoptera and Lycidae as a basal group within Polyphaga. Here we point out different problems with his interpretation. The taxon sampling was not sufficient. The characters of endopterygote larvae cannot be compared to characters of adults in a phylogenetic context. The neotenic characters of female and adult male Lycidae are not sufficiently taken into account. A phylogenetic hypothesis should be based on multiple character systems and all available data must be considered. Kazantsev based his conclusions on a single isolated character complex. His hypothesis is in deep conflict with a phylogeny based on the molecular data, which clearly show that Lycidae are nested within Elateroidea. The molecular and morphological evidence also implies that females are aberrant neotenic forms and by no means 'primitive'. Kazantsev"@en . "Jsou Polyphaga skute\u010Dn\u011B baz\u00E1ln\u00ED neoptern\u00ED lini\u00ED - odpov\u011B\u010F Kazantsevovi"@cs . "3"^^ . "Lycidae; Kazantsev; larvae; mandible; phylogeny"@en . . "Beutel, R. G." . "410708" . "Ve studii mandibul\u00E1rn\u00ED artikulace rodu Platerodrilus Kazanstsev navrhuje fylogenetickou hypot\u00E9zu s Polyfaga jako baz\u00E1ln\u00ED skupinou neoptern\u00EDho hmyzu a \u010Deled\u00ED Lycidae jako baz\u00E1ln\u00ED skupinou Polyphaga. Zde upozor\u0148ujeme na n\u011Bkolik probl\u00E9m\u016F p\u0159i t\u00E9to interpretaci. Larv\u00E1ln\u00ED a imagin\u00E1ln\u00ED znaky nemohou b\u00FDt navz\u00E1jem srovn\u00E1v\u00E1ny ve fylogenetick\u00E9m r\u00E1mci. Nejsou uva\u017Eov\u00E1ny neotenn\u00ED znaky adultn\u00EDch samic a samc\u016F. Fylogenetick\u00E1 anal\u00FDza by m\u011Bla b\u00FDt zxalo\u017Eena na vice znakov\u00FDch syst\u00E9mech a v\u0161ech dostupn\u00FDch datech. Kazantsevova hypot\u00E9za je problematick\u00E1 proto\u017Ee p\u0159edlo\u017Een\u00E1 data nejsou dostate\u010Dn\u00E1 a jejich hodnocen\u00ED nen\u00ED zalo\u017Eeno na numerick\u00E9 analyze."@cs . "6"^^ . "Are Polyphaga (Coleoptera) really a basal neopteran lineage - a reply to"@en . . "Are Polyphaga (Coleoptera) really a basal neopteran lineage - a reply to" . . "RIV/61989592:15310/07:00004618!RIV08-MSM-15310___" . . "2"^^ . . "Acta Zoologica: international journal for zoology" . . . "Boc\u00E1k, Ladislav" . .