"Slow growth of a translocated beaver population partly due to a climatic shift in food quality" . "5"^^ . "9"^^ . . . "RIV/61989592:15310/05:00010584!RIV10-MSM-15310___" . . "3" . "Kostkan, Vlastimil" . . "Broftov\u00E1, Lucie" . "European beaver; translocation; climatic shift; food quality; salix; reproduction; chemical analysis"@en . . "543113" . . "In temperate regions climate change has led to advances in plant phenology which may disrupt the synchrony between food availability and reproductive requirements of higher trophic levels. Because leaf quality generally drops with leaf maturation, for herbivorous animals a stoichiometric effect of climate change may be of greater importance than a shift in food quantity. We hypothesized that such a climate-related stoichiometric effect caused the low reproductive success of a beaver Castor fiber population that was translocated westward in Europe at the time of a rapid increase in spring temperatures. The staple food of these beavers was willow Salix spp. In 2003 willow bud burst occurred approximately one month earlier at the release site than at the site of origin. After bud burst, leaf quality, measured as nitrogen and phosphorus concentration, decreased in the course of spring in a predictable manner with accumulated degree-days. Nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations calculated from accumulated" . "Slow growth of a translocated beaver population partly due to a climatic shift in food quality"@en . . . . . "GB - Spojen\u00E9 kr\u00E1lovstv\u00ED Velk\u00E9 Brit\u00E1nie a Severn\u00EDho Irska" . . . "RIV/61989592:15310/05:00010584" . "Vorel, Ale\u0161" . . "In temperate regions climate change has led to advances in plant phenology which may disrupt the synchrony between food availability and reproductive requirements of higher trophic levels. Because leaf quality generally drops with leaf maturation, for herbivorous animals a stoichiometric effect of climate change may be of greater importance than a shift in food quantity. We hypothesized that such a climate-related stoichiometric effect caused the low reproductive success of a beaver Castor fiber population that was translocated westward in Europe at the time of a rapid increase in spring temperatures. The staple food of these beavers was willow Salix spp. In 2003 willow bud burst occurred approximately one month earlier at the release site than at the site of origin. After bud burst, leaf quality, measured as nitrogen and phosphorus concentration, decreased in the course of spring in a predictable manner with accumulated degree-days. Nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations calculated from accumulated"@en . "Heitkonig, Ignas" . . "Nolet, Bart" . "111" . . . "S" . "Slow growth of a translocated beaver population partly due to a climatic shift in food quality" . . "[EFE7EF77AC89]" . . "15310" . "Oikos: a journal of ecology" . "1"^^ . "Slow growth of a translocated beaver population partly due to a climatic shift in food quality"@en . "0030-1299" .