"Orientalia et occidentalia, 14" . . "RIV/61989592:15260/14:33152843" . "history; terminology; Catholic Churches; Eastern Christianity; theology"@en . "15260" . . "[0C284D596224]" . . "The past and present of the Eastern Catholic Theology - some systemizing remarks with an attempt for a view to the future"@en . "S" . "Minulos\u0165 a s\u00FA\u010Dasnos\u0165 v\u00FDchodnej katol\u00EDckej teol\u00F3gie - nieko\u013Eko systemizuj\u00FAcich pozn\u00E1mok s pokusom o v\u00FDh\u013Ead do bud\u00FAcnosti" . "The past and present of the Eastern Catholic Theology - some systemizing remarks with an attempt for a view to the future"@en . "The chapter gives contribution to the discussion on Eastern Catholic theology by its systematization. It points out a lack of terminological unity and clarity, emphasises an identity-creating and -manifesting power of such theology; then tries to give a contentual and formal delimitation, as like as a historic demarcation of the main phases of its evolution. The final part enumerates the theological and non-theological factors affecting the fashion of this theology, underlines its specific themes and mission and brings some outlooks to the future of Eastern Catholic theology."@en . "1"^^ . "524"^^ . "Vybran\u00E9 ot\u00E1zky a perspekt\u00EDvy teol\u00F3gie vo v\u00FDchodn\u00FDch cirkv\u00E1ch zjednoten\u00FDch s R\u00EDmom / Selected questions and perspectives on the theology in the Eastern Churches united with Rome" . . . "1"^^ . . "Centrum spirituality V\u00FDchod - Z\u00E1pad Michala Lacka" . . "29499" . . . "Minulos\u0165 a s\u00FA\u010Dasnos\u0165 v\u00FDchodnej katol\u00EDckej teol\u00F3gie - nieko\u013Eko systemizuj\u00FAcich pozn\u00E1mok s pokusom o v\u00FDh\u013Ead do bud\u00FAcnosti" . . . "Kapitola prispieva k diskuzii o v\u00FDchodnej katol\u00EDckej teol\u00F3gii t\u00FDm, \u017Ee vn\u00E1\u0161a systematiz\u00E1ciu. Poukazuje na nejednotnos\u0165 a nejasnos\u0165 terminol\u00F3gie; zameriava sa \u00FAlohu teol\u00F3gie v tvorbe a prejavovan\u00ED eklezi\u00E1lnej identity; sna\u017E\u00ED sa poskytn\u00FA\u0165 obsahov\u00E9 a form\u00E1lne vymedzenia, ako aj historick\u00E9 rozhrani\u010Denie hlavn\u00FDch et\u00E1p jej v\u00FDvoja. Posledn\u00E1 \u010Das\u0165 vypo\u010D\u00EDtava teologick\u00E9 i mimoteologick\u00E9 faktory utv\u00E1raj\u00FAce podobu tejto teol\u00F3gie, zd\u00F4raz\u0148uje jej \u0161pecifick\u00E9 t\u00E9my i poslanie a prin\u00E1\u0161a v\u00FDh\u013Eady do bud\u00FAcnosti v\u00FDchodnej katol\u00EDckej teol\u00F3gie." . "38"^^ . "978-80-7141-838-2" . . . . "Ko\u0161ice" . . "RIV/61989592:15260/14:33152843!RIV15-MSM-15260___" . . "Bugel, Walerian" .