. "Klinick\u00E1 hypn\u00F3za a te\u00F3ria vz\u0165ahovej v\u00E4zby: Integrat\u00EDvna perspekt\u00EDva" . . . "Clinical hypnosis and attachment theory: an integrative perspective"@en . "1"^^ . . "4" . "S" . "Zelinka, Vladimir" . "In this article, we will examine how attachment theory may inform our understanding of the therapeutic effectiveness of clinical hypnosis. First, we will synthesize the basic concepts of attachment theory and expose its connections with health and well-being. Then, we will review the fundamental principles underpinning the practice of clinical hypnosis and give several examples of its therapeutic use. Finally, we will propose an integrative model unifying the addressed notions and will discuss the implications of our hypotheses for clinical practice. In particular, we propose that by wording specific hypnotic suggestions a therapist may behave as an attentive, responsive, sensitive, available, and benevolent caregiver, and hence may facilitate the development of a secure attachment relationship. Since secure attachment is known to favor health and wellbeing, hypnotic suggestions which favor secure attachment may play an important role in the therapeutic effectiveness of clinical hypnosis. We will try to show that hypnotic suggestions, which facilitate the developement of secure attachment style, may simultaneously convey a verbal information about the patient's hypnotic experience (explicitly) and a non-verbal information about the therapist's state of mind with regards to the relational interaction (implicitly). This implicit relational information may by responsible for an important part of the therapeutic effectiveness of clinical hypnosis. Our integrative perspective also suggest that basic tenets of attachment theory are naturelly inherent to various hypnotic strategies and that attachment themes are implicitly present at the core of various hypnotic suggestions. In our opinion, a deliberate integration of attachment concepts within the framework of clinical hypnosis may not only inform our understanding of the therapeutic effectiveness of clinical hypnosis, but also improve our clinical pactice and increase its usefullness for human health."@en . . . . . "CZ - \u010Cesk\u00E1 republika" . "Clinical hypnosis and attachment theory: an integrative perspective"@en . "15260" . "Bern\u00E1tov\u00E1, Eva" . "Sk\u00FAmame ot\u00E1zku, ako m\u00F4\u017Ee te\u00F3ria vz\u0165ahovej v\u00E4zby prispie\u0165 k n\u00E1\u0161mu porozumeniu terapeutickej \u00FA\u010Dinnosti klinickej hypn\u00F3zy. Pod\u00E1vame synt\u00E9zu z\u00E1kladn\u00FDch konceptov te\u00F3rie vz\u0165ahovej v\u00E4zby a poukazujeme na s\u00FAvislosti so zdrav\u00EDm a pohodou. V preh\u013Eade sa zaober\u00E1me z\u00E1kladn\u00FDmi princ\u00EDpmi, o ktor\u00E9 sa opiera prax klinickej hypn\u00F3zy, a uv\u00E1dzame nieko\u013Eko pr\u00EDkladov ich terapeutick\u00E9ho pou\u017Eitia. Navrhujeme integrat\u00EDvny model, ktor\u00FD prep\u00E1ja obe po\u0148atia, a diskutujeme v\u00FDznam t\u00FDchto hypot\u00E9z pre klinick\u00FA prax. Hlavne navrhujeme, \u017Ee ke\u010F terapeut formuluje \u0161pecifick\u00E9 hypnotick\u00E9 sugescie, spr\u00E1va sa ako pozorn\u00FD, vn\u00EDmav\u00FD, citliv\u00FD, privolate\u013En\u00FD (je k dispoz\u00EDcii) a mil\u00FD opatrovate\u013E, a jeho spr\u00E1vanie umo\u017E\u0148uje prirodzen\u00FD v\u00FDvoj bezpe\u010Dn\u00E9ho \u0161t\u00FDlu vz\u0165ahovej v\u00E4zby. T\u00FDm p\u00E1dom, \u017Ee bezpe\u010Dn\u00FD \u0161t\u00FDl vz\u0165ahovej v\u00E4zby podporuje zdravie a pohodu, hypnotick\u00E9 sugescie, ktor\u00E9 podporuj\u00FA v\u00FDvoj bezpe\u010Dnej vz\u0165ahovej v\u00E4zby, m\u00F4\u017Eu hra\u0165 d\u00F4le\u017Eit\u00FA \u00FAlohu v terapeutickej \u00FA\u010Dinnosti klinickej hypn\u00F3zy. Sna\u017E\u00EDme sa uk\u00E1za\u0165, \u017Ee hypnotick\u00E9 sugescie, ktor\u00E9 umo\u017E\u0148uj\u00FA v\u00FDvoj bezpe\u010Dn\u00E9ho \u0161t\u00FDlu vz\u0165ahovej v\u00E4zby, m\u00F4\u017Eu vyjadri\u0165 verb\u00E1lnu inform\u00E1ciu o pacientovom hypnotickom z\u00E1\u017Eitku (explicitne) a z\u00E1rove\u0148 komunikova\u0165 neverb\u00E1lnu inform\u00E1ciu o terapeutovom vz\u0165ahovom postoji vo\u010Di pacientovi (implicitne). T\u00E1to implicitn\u00E1 vz\u0165ahov\u00E1 inform\u00E1cia m\u00F4\u017Ee by\u0165 zodpovedn\u00E1 za d\u00F4le\u017Eit\u00FA \u010Das\u0165 terapeutick\u00E9ho \u00FA\u010Dinku klinickej hypn\u00F3zy. Z na\u0161ej integrat\u00EDvnej perspekt\u00EDvy tie\u017E vypl\u00FDva, \u017Ee z\u00E1kladn\u00E9 koncepty te\u00F3rie vz\u0165ahovej v\u00E4zby s\u00FA prirodzenou s\u00FA\u010Das\u0165ou r\u00F4znych hypnotick\u00FDch strat\u00E9gi\u00ED a \u017Ee t\u00E9my vz\u0165ahovej v\u00E4zby sa implicitne vyskytuj\u00FA v r\u00F4znych hypnotick\u00FDch sugesci\u00E1ch. Pod\u013Ea n\u00E1s \u00FAmyseln\u00E1 integr\u00E1cia klinickej hypn\u00F3zy a te\u00F3rie vz\u0165ahovej v\u00E4zby by mohla nielen prispie\u0165 k porozumeniu terapeutickej \u00FA\u010Dinnosti klinickej hypn\u00F3zy, ale aj zdokonali\u0165 klinick\u00FA prax a zlep\u0161i\u0165 jej u\u017Eito\u010Dnos\u0165 pre \u013Eudsk\u00E9 zdravie." . . . "Klinick\u00E1 hypn\u00F3za a te\u00F3ria vz\u0165ahovej v\u00E4zby: Integrat\u00EDvna perspekt\u00EDva" . . . . "110" . . "[F69E2E239F8F]" . . "Ha\u0161to, Jozef" . . . "\u010Cesk\u00E1 a slovensk\u00E1 psychiatrie" . "7"^^ . . "suggestions; secure base; relationship; psychotherapy; hypnosis; health; communication; caregiver; attachment theory"@en . "RIV/61989592:15260/14:33151484" . "24321" . . . "1212-0383" . "RIV/61989592:15260/14:33151484!RIV15-MSM-15260___" . "3"^^ .