"Medzi modernou a postmodernou IV. S\u00FA\u0165a\u017Eivos\u0165 ako kult\u00FArotvorn\u00FD fenom\u00E9n - limity efektivity" . . "Pre\u0161ov" . . . "15260" . "S" . "[CE453D3477B2]" . "RIV/61989592:15260/08:00008234!RIV10-MSM-15260___" . "2008-02-13+01:00"^^ . "Aj ke\u010F vytvorenie vlastnej identity patr\u00ED k z\u00E1kladn\u00FDm v\u00FDvojov\u00FDm \u00FAloh\u00E1m adolescencie, jedinec h\u013Ead\u00E1 svoju identitu cel\u00FD \u017Eivot, kladie si ot\u00E1zku Kto som?. Identita patr\u00ED medzi tri naj\u010Dastej\u0161ie oblasti z\u00E1ujmov, ktorej sa \u013Eudia vo svojich \u00FAvah\u00E1ch venuj\u00FA (\u010Fal\u0161\u00EDmi s\u00FA vz\u0165ahy a kontrola nad vlastn\u00FDm \u017Eivotom). Pr\u00EDspevok predstavuje konkr\u00E9tne hry a psychologick\u00E9 techniky, ktor\u00E9 s\u00FAvisia s h\u013Eadan\u00EDm identity a s\u00FA vyu\u017Eite\u013En\u00E9 tak vo v\u00FDchovnom procese v rodine, v \u0161kolsk\u00FDch a mimo\u0161kolsk\u00FDch aktivit\u00E1ch, ako aj pri u\u017Eito\u010Dnom nap\u013A\u0148an\u00ED vo\u013En\u00E9ho \u010Dasu a sebapozn\u00E1van\u00ED dospel\u00FDch. Hr\u00E1\u010D si m\u00E1 pomocou hier uvedomi\u0165 svoju jedine\u010Dnos\u0165, neopakovate\u013Enos\u0165 a originalitu." . "identity; childhood; adolescence; meaning of life; purpose of life; games"@en . . "978-80-8068-868-4" . "Identity Search by Game"@en . . "1"^^ . "Even though the creation of the own identity belongs to the fundamental roles of adolescens, person is searching his or her identity the whole life through, he or she is posing a question: Who am I? Identity belongs to three most frequent fields of interest that people reflect on (others are relations and control of own life). The report consists of particular games and psychological technics that are related to the search of identity and are usable in educative process in family, in school and non-school activities, as well as in purposeful using of time and self recognition of adults. The player should realize - using a game - his or her uniqueness and originality."@en . "500"^^ . "1"^^ . "H\u013Eadanie identity pomocou hier" . . "370266" . "RIV/61989592:15260/08:00008234" . "Pre\u0161ov, 13. - 14. 2. 2008" . "Pre\u0161ovsk\u00E1 univerzita" . . . . . . "Identity Search by Game"@en . "H\u013Eadanie identity pomocou hier" . . . . . "Tavel, Peter" . . . .