"Duchovn\u00E1 starostlivos\u0165 o rodinu" . . . . . "Spiritual Family Care"@en . "978-80-7262-490-4" . . . . "Praha" . "Svetov\u00E1 konference o rodin\u011B Praha 2007" . . . . . . "Duchovn\u00E1 starostlivos\u0165 o rodinu je v sebe zahr\u0148uje okrem n\u00E1bo\u017Eensk\u00E9ho rozmeru aj existenci\u00E1lne ot\u00E1zky a t\u00E9my, ako s\u00FA napr\u00EDklad zmysel \u017Eivota a smrti, zmysel utrpenia. Tieto ot\u00E1zky sa st\u00E1vaj\u00FA aktu\u00E1lne zvl\u00E1\u0161\u0165 v kr\u00EDzov\u00FDch situ\u00E1ci\u00E1ch \u017Eivota rodiny, ako s\u00FA choroba, \u00FAmrtie, rozvod apod. Pr\u00EDspevok referuje o mo\u017Enostiach starostlivosti o rodinu v duchovnej oblasti a konkr\u00E9tne pon\u00FAka hry (tak pre deti, ako aj dospel\u00FDch), v ktor\u00FDch sa jedinec zam\u00FD\u0161\u013Ea na existenci\u00E1lnymi ot\u00E1zkami, ako s\u00FA vlastn\u00E1 identita, zodpovednos\u0165, l\u00E1ska a zmysel \u017Eivota." . . "Spiritual family care includes apart from its religious aspect also the existential questions of life, questions about the meaning of life and death, suffering etc. These questions become urgent particularly during family life crisis such as a disease, death, divorce etc. The text discusses possibilities of family care in the spiritual area and offers specific games (for children as well as for adults) inducing contemplation of existential questions, such as one's own identity, responsibility, love and the meaning of life."@en . "1"^^ . . . "RIV/61989592:15260/07:00008053!RIV10-MSM-15260___" . "Tavel, Peter" . "Gal\u00E9n" . . . . "15260" . "1"^^ . "Duchovn\u00E1 starostlivos\u0165 o rodinu" . "[1E832A0CCC78]" . . "Praha, 16. - 19. 5. 2007" . . . "S" . "family; spiritual family care; meaning of life; meaning of death; meaning of suffering; games; existential questions; identity; responsibility; love"@en . "100"^^ . . "418243" . "2007-05-16+02:00"^^ . "Spiritual Family Care"@en . "RIV/61989592:15260/07:00008053" .