"1"^^ . "Cie\u013Eom pr\u00EDspevku je poskytn\u00FA\u0165 nielen preh\u013Ead n\u00E1zorov vybran\u00FDch pravosl\u00E1vnych i katol\u00EDckych autorov na ot\u00E1zku autorstva Liturgie sv. J\u00E1na Chryzostoma, ale tie\u017E na tomto pr\u00EDklade pouk\u00E1za\u0165 na pou\u017E\u00EDvan\u00E9 krit\u00E9ria v ur\u010Dovan\u00ED autorstva textu tejto liturgie a pok\u00FAsi\u0165 sa o vyvodenie systemizuj\u00FAcich z\u00E1verov." . "\u017Divot a dielo sv\u00E4t\u00E9ho J\u00E1na Zlato\u00FAsteho. Zborn\u00EDk pr\u00EDspevkov z vedeckej konferencie" . . . . "St John Chrysostom; Byzantine liturgy; authorship of the text; criteria."@en . . "Pre\u0161ovsk\u00E1 univerzita" . "To which extent John Chrystostom has originated the Liturgy of his name? A few notes making systematic the criteria of establishing autorship of the most frequently used Byzantinian liturgy"@en . . "417788" . "RIV/61989592:15260/07:00008038" . "[C1DD71E5014C]" . "209"^^ . . . . "978-80-8068-684-0" . "The aim of the paper is not only to give the overview of the opinions of the selected Orthodox and Catholic authors on the question of authorship of the Chrysostomus\u00B4 Liturgy, but, on this example, to point to the used criteria of establishing authorship of this liturgical text and to try to draw systematic conclusions."@en . "To which extent John Chrystostom has originated the Liturgy of his name? A few notes making systematic the criteria of establishing autorship of the most frequently used Byzantinian liturgy"@en . "S" . "2007-04-23+02:00"^^ . "Do akej miery je sv. J\u00E1n Zlato\u00FAsty p\u00F4vodcom Liturgie sv. J\u00E1na Chryzostoma? Nieko\u013Eko systemizuj\u00FAcich pozn\u00E1mok ku krit\u00E9ri\u00E1m ur\u010Dovania autorstva naj\u010Dastej\u0161ie pou\u017E\u00EDvanej byzantskej liturgie" . . "Pre\u0161ov" . "RIV/61989592:15260/07:00008038!RIV10-MSM-15260___" . "Pre\u0161ov" . "15260" . . . . . "Bugel, Waleri\u00E1n" . . . "Do akej miery je sv. J\u00E1n Zlato\u00FAsty p\u00F4vodcom Liturgie sv. J\u00E1na Chryzostoma? Nieko\u013Eko systemizuj\u00FAcich pozn\u00E1mok ku krit\u00E9ri\u00E1m ur\u010Dovania autorstva naj\u010Dastej\u0161ie pou\u017E\u00EDvanej byzantskej liturgie" . . "1"^^ .