. . "RIV/61989592:15210/12:33140276" . . "S" . "RIV/61989592:15210/12:33140276!RIV13-MSM-15210___" . . . "Valentinova, Daria" . "Ugolovno-pravovyje terminosistemy v \u010De\u0161skom i russkom jazyke" . "175718" . "Ugolovno-pravovyje terminosistemy v \u010De\u0161skom i russkom jazyke" . . . "[C395F92452DE]" . "CZ - \u010Cesk\u00E1 republika" . . "1"^^ . "Rossica Olomucensia. \u010Casopis pro ruskou a slovanskou filologii" . . "15210" . "Valentinova, Daria" . "51" . . "1"^^ . . "V dannoj statje my analizirujem russkuju i \u010De\u0161skuju juridi\u010Deskije terminosistemy (terminosistemy ugolovnogo prava). V ka\u010Destve isto\u010Dnikov terminov my ispo\u013Ezujem russkij i \u010De\u0161skij ugolovnyj zakony. Etot analiz pomogaet nam klassificirova\u0165 terminy i sformirova\u0165 opredelennuju strukturu, kotoraja pozvolit izu\u010Da\u0165 razli\u010Dija me\u017Edu \u010De\u0161skim i russkim jazykami v etoj takoj va\u017Enoj oblasti znanij i socia\u013Enoj \u017Eizni. My ponimaem jazyk ne to\u013Eko kak otra\u017Eenie javlenij socia\u013Enoj d\u011Bjstvit\u011B\u013Enosti, no i kak kak instrument formirovanija naciona\u013Enogo pravosoznanija." . "Terms of the Criminal Law in Czech and Russian languages"@en . . . . . "This article deals with structural analysis of Russian and Czech legal terminology (criminal legal terminology in particular). We analyze terms excerpted from Russian Criminal law and Czech Criminal law. This analysis helped us classify terms and make a certain structure, which allows us to study the differences between two languages in this very important sphere of knowledge and social life. We assume language not only as a reflection of social side of certain facts but also as an instrument of forming people's legal consciousness."@en . . "2" . "0139-9268" . . "word-formation type; word-formation; polylexemic term; one-component term; law-making techniques; criminal-law terminology; terminology; Criminal law"@en . "12"^^ . . "Terms of the Criminal Law in Czech and Russian languages"@en . .