. . "[883AB0F238B5]" . "V statje re\u010D idet ob internetovskich diskussionnych forumach kak \u017Eanre elektronnoj kommunikaciji. Internet kak Nov\u00E1ka kommunikativnaja sfera. Osnovnoj faktor, vlijaju\u0161\u010Dij na kommunikaciju v I. - oposredovannostj. U\u010Dityvaja nekotoryje situaciji v I., govorja o novoj forme re\u010Di - ustno-pismennoj internet-re\u010Di. Kompensacija neverb\u00E1ln\u00FDch sredstv grafi\u010Deskimi sredstvami. S kompjuternoj formoj re\u010Di vstre\u010Dajemsja v el. pisk\u00E1ch, forumach i \u010Datach. Dal\u0161e govoritsja o takisch aspeketach kak tema, komunikanty i ich otno\u0161enija, struktura teksta, vybor leksi\u010Deskich i grammati\u010Deskich sredstv." . . "Pragmalinguistic Analysis of the Language Used in the Internet Discussion Groups"@en . "0239-6661" . . . . . "7"^^ . "S" . . . . "1"^^ . "376871" . "Vobo\u0159il, Ladislav" . . "RIV/61989592:15210/08:10213637!RIV12-MSM-15210___" . . . "Slavica Wratislaviensia CXLVII. Wyraz i zdanie w j\u0119zykach s\u0142owia\u0144skich 6. Opis, konfrontacja, przek\u0142ad" . . . "1"^^ . "Internet, computer mediated communication, netspeak, electronic genres, forum, communication act, mediated character, speaker, listener, topic, text, compensation, smiley, orthography, punctuation, agrammatism, abbreviation, stylistic factors, anonymy."@en . "The article deals with forum as genre of Netspeak. The Internet is a new communicative sphere. The main factor influencing communication via the Internet is its mediated character. With respect to some communicative situations in the Internet a new species of communication is spoken about - Netspeak or Computer Mediated Communication. It has features of both writing and speach plus some other properties. Compensation of non-verbal features of speach in writing. Netspeak is used in e-mail, forum and chat. Such features of CMC as topic, participants and their relationship, posts text structure and choise of lexis and grammar patterns is discussed, as well."@en . . . "Lingvo-pragmati\u010Deskij analiz jazyka internetovskich diskussionnych forumov" . "CLXVII" . . . . "6" . "RIV/61989592:15210/08:10213637" . . "Lingvo-pragmati\u010Deskij analiz jazyka internetovskich diskussionnych forumov" . . . . "15210" . . . "PL - Polsk\u00E1 republika" . . "Pragmalinguistic Analysis of the Language Used in the Internet Discussion Groups"@en . . . .