. "8"^^ . . "I" . . . "La historia del Paraguay de la primera mitad del s. XVII fue muy inestable, marcada por dos sucesos cruciales, las Ordenanzas de Alfaro, protectoras de indios, y una rebeli\u00F3n %22comunera%22 ecabezada por el obispo Bernardino de C\u00E1rdenas. En los dos acontecimientos influyeron las relaciones complicadas entre los colonos de la provincia %22civil%22 paraguaya y los jesuitas de la provincia misionera. Fue precisamente la milicia guaran\u00ED de las Misiones la que ayud\u00F3 al gobernador Le\u00F3n y Z\u00E1rate a sofocar la rebeli\u00F3n de los colonos." . . . . "Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis, Facultas Philosophica, Philologica - Romanica" . "1"^^ . "Zaj\u00EDcov\u00E1, Lenka" . "1802-8713" . "How the Guaranis suppressed the rebelion of the Comuneros of Asunci\u00F3n"@en . . . "1"^^ . "CZ - \u010Cesk\u00E1 republika" . . "How the Guaranis suppressed the rebelion of the Comuneros of Asunci\u00F3n"@en . "RIV/61989592:15210/00:33129935" . . . "9" . "RIV/61989592:15210/00:33129935!RIV13-MSM-15210___" . . . "The relations between the Spanish colonists in Paraguay and the emerging Jesuit province of Paraguay were very complicated in the 1st half of the 17th century and the controversy culminated in so called rebellion of comuneros in 1649, headed by the bishop Bernardino de C\u00E1rdenas. The problems rooted in the difficult economic situation of Paraguay, characterized by the lack of precious metals and working hand and by economic isolation and competition of Buenos Aires. The colonists considered the Jesuits, who started to found their missions (reductions), as dangerous political and economic competitors. This was confirmed in 1611 by the regulations (ordenanzas) of Francisco de Alfaro to protect the Indians. When colonists realized that the central authorities would not support them, they tried to revolt, but were suppressed by the governor Le\u00F3n y Z\u00E1rate with help of 700 Guaranis from the militia of the Jesuit missions."@en . "C\u00F3mo los guaran\u00EDes sofocaron la rebeli\u00F3n comunera de Asunci\u00F3n: El Paraguay desde las Ordenanzas de Alfaro hasta la 'revoluci\u00F3n comunera' del obispo C\u00E1rdenas (1611-1649)" . "76" . "C\u00F3mo los guaran\u00EDes sofocaron la rebeli\u00F3n comunera de Asunci\u00F3n: El Paraguay desde las Ordenanzas de Alfaro hasta la 'revoluci\u00F3n comunera' del obispo C\u00E1rdenas (1611-1649)" . . "[56F1D8157531]" . "707151" . "15210" . "Guaranis; Jesuit Missions; Latin American Colonial History; Paraguay"@en .