"2"^^ . "Cash pooling v Ceske republice"@cs . "Cash Pooling in The Czech Republic" . . . "The use of cash pooling as a global standard for concentrating cash into the main bank account of a firm has very quickly found favour in corporates in the Czech Republic. Cash pooling enables a group to collect money and use it for either further investment or lending. The product is available to all companies in a group of economically related parties, all of which must sign a collective agreement to operate a master bank account. Other bank accounts within the group are all settled toward this master account. Neither the master account nor the other bank accounts in the pooling system accommodate overdraft agreements. Nevertheless, credit or debt interest rates have to be defined for all accounts. There has to be an agreed level of interest between the bank and the companies involved in the cash pooling system and between the companies themselves." . . "Internal banking; liquidity; cash pooling; cash concentration; cross-border cash pooling"@en . . . "Cash pooling je produkt finan\u010Dn\u00EDch instituc\u00ED, kter\u00FD umo\u017E\u0148uje sdru\u017Eovat finan\u010Dn\u00ED prost\u0159edky na v\u00EDce \u00FA\u010Dtech tvo\u0159\u00EDc\u00EDch ekonomicky spjatou skupinu a pracovat s nimi jako na \u00FA\u010Dt\u011B jedin\u00E9m. M\u00EDsto finan\u010Dn\u00EDch instituc\u00ED budeme d\u00E1le pou\u017E\u00EDvat pojem banka, proto\u017Ee v na\u0161ich podm\u00EDnk\u00E1ch tento produkt nab\u00EDzej\u00ED prim\u00E1rn\u011B banky. Spjatou skupinou \u00FA\u010Dt\u016F mohou b\u00FDt \u00FA\u010Dty jednoho podniku v r\u00E1mci jedn\u00E9 \u010Di v\u00EDce bank nebo \u00FA\u010Dty v\u00EDce podnik\u016F v r\u00E1mci ekonomicky spjat\u00E9 skupiny (holdingu, koncernu). Pro v\u0161echny \u00FA\u010Dty zapojen\u00E9 do cash poolingu mus\u00ED b\u00FDt definov\u00E1na kreditn\u00ED a debetn\u00ED \u00FArokov\u00E1 sazba. V p\u0159\u00EDpad\u011B hlavn\u00EDho \u00FA\u010Dtu je to sazba pou\u017Eit\u00E1 v\u016F\u010Di bance, v p\u0159\u00EDpad\u011B individu\u00E1ln\u00EDho \u00FA\u010Dtu sazba pou\u017Eit\u00E1 proti hlavn\u00EDmu \u00FA\u010Dtu. Sazba na hlavn\u00EDm \u00FA\u010Dtu je obvykle zakotvena ve smlouv\u011B o b\u011B\u017En\u00E9m \u00FA\u010Dtu pro kreditn\u00ED z\u016Fstatky a ve smlouv\u011B o ktk \u00FAv\u011Bru pro debetn\u00ED."@cs . "The use of cash pooling as a global standard for concentrating cash into the main bank account of a firm has very quickly found favour in corporates in the Czech Republic. Cash pooling enables a group to collect money and use it for either further investment or lending. The product is available to all companies in a group of economically related parties, all of which must sign a collective agreement to operate a master bank account. Other bank accounts within the group are all settled toward this master account. Neither the master account nor the other bank accounts in the pooling system accommodate overdraft agreements. Nevertheless, credit or debt interest rates have to be defined for all accounts. There has to be an agreed level of interest between the bank and the companies involved in the cash pooling system and between the companies themselves."@en . "27510" . . . "CA - Kanada" . "P(GA402/05/2758)" . . "RIV/61989100:27510/06:00013516!RIV07-GA0-27510___" . . "RIV/61989100:27510/06:00013516" . "467822" . . . "Cash Pooling in The Czech Republic" . "[AAF79606F5D8]" . "Cash pooling v Ceske republice"@cs . "The Canadian Treasurer" . . "4" . . . "Kocurek, Kamil" . "22" . . "Pol\u00E1k, Petr" . "15-17" . . "Cash Pooling in The Czech Republic"@en . "3"^^ . "Cash Pooling in The Czech Republic"@en . "1"^^ . "0845-7328" . .