"Vstup \u010CR do EU z hlediska ochrany hospod\u00E1\u0159sk\u00E9 sout\u011B\u017Ee"@cs . "1213-8762" . . "2"^^ . . "27510" . . "single market, European integration, preservation of competition"@en . . . "0"^^ . "1"^^ . "2" . "0"^^ . . "Evropsk\u00E1 integrace je d\u016Fle\u017Eit\u00FDm p\u0159edpokladem stability ve sv\u011Bt\u011B. EU. je zalo\u017Eena na jednotn\u00E9m vnit\u0159n\u00EDm trhu a jednotn\u00E9 ekonomice. Jednotn\u00FD vnit\u0159n\u00ED trh p\u0159in\u00E1\u0161\u00ED prosperitu pro v\u0161echny ob\u010Dany EU a podm\u00EDnky pro celosv\u011Btov\u00FD glob\u00E1ln\u00ED rozvoj.Tento p\u0159\u00EDsp\u011Bvek se zab\u00FDv\u00E1 aktu\u00E1ln\u00EDmi probl\u00E9my integrace \u010CR do EU a ochranou hospod\u00E1\u0159sk\u00E9 sout\u011B\u017Ee na jednotn\u00E9m vnit\u0159n\u00EDm trhu." . "RIV/61989100:27510/03:00009106" . "1"^^ . "5" . "Vstup \u010CR do EU z hlediska ochrany hospod\u00E1\u0159sk\u00E9 sout\u011B\u017Ee"@cs . . "Vilamov\u00E1, \u0160\u00E1rka" . "Vstup \u010CR do EU z hlediska ochrany hospod\u00E1\u0159sk\u00E9 sout\u011B\u017Ee" . "Z(MSM 275100015)" . "633893" . "Vstup \u010CR do EU z hlediska ochrany hospod\u00E1\u0159sk\u00E9 sout\u011B\u017Ee" . . "Integration Czech Republic into European Union and preservation of competition"@en . "RIV/61989100:27510/03:00009106!RIV/2004/MSM/275104/N" . "Integration Czech Republic into European Union and preservation of competition"@en . "46-47" . . "The European integration is an important force for stability in the world. The European Union basis is a single market and single economy. The single market has led to increased prosperity for the citizens of the European Union and has enable Europe to become an economic force in world of increasing global competition.This paper deals with actual problems of integration Czech Republic into European Union and preservation of competition in the common market."@en . . . "[6EFBF9E722A2]" . . "CZ - \u010Cesk\u00E1 republika" . . "Konstrukce" . . .