"[520AE214296B]" . "6"^^ . "65" . "3" . . "RIV/61989100:27360/12:86085497!RIV13-MSM-27360___" . . . "Nespochybnite\u013Enou skuto\u010Dnos\u0165ou je, \u017Ee medzi z\u00E1kladn\u00E9 mana\u017E\u00E9rske zru\u010Dnosti patr\u00ED, okrem in\u00E9ho, aj schopnos\u0165 \u00FAspe\u0161ne vych\u00E1dza\u0165 s \u013Eu\u010Fmi. Je to jednak schopnos\u0165 komunikova\u0165 s extern\u00FDm prostred\u00EDm, ktor\u00E9 je tvoren\u00E9 z\u00E1kazn\u00EDkmi, dod\u00E1vate\u013Emi, konkurenciou a taktie\u017E verejnos\u0165ou ako celkom, av\u0161ak taktie\u017E s intern\u00FDm prostred\u00EDm v r\u00E1mci organiz\u00E1cie , teda s riaden\u00FDmi pracovn\u00EDkmi, kolegami a kolegy\u0148ami vo v\u0161eobecnosti. \u010Casto je proces komunik\u00E1cie zalo\u017Een\u00FD nielen na rozumn\u00FDch argumentoch, ale pri vz\u00E1jomnej interakci\u00ED, mana\u017E\u00E9r potrebuje zoh\u013Eadni\u0165 aj psychick\u00FA str\u00E1nku \u010Dloveka, s ktor\u00FDm prich\u00E1dza do styku, jeho aktu\u00E1lnu soci\u00E1lnu poz\u00EDciu, emocionalitu, citovos\u0165 a schopnos\u0165 empatie. Cie\u013Eom autorovho pr\u00EDspevku je prostredn\u00EDctvom teoretick\u00FDch princ\u00EDpov, av\u0161ak najm\u00E4 osobn\u00FDch praktick\u00FDch sk\u00FAsenost\u00ED a poznatkov z vrcholovej mana\u017E\u00E9rskej praxe vo ve\u013Ekom v\u00FDrobnom podniku, pouk\u00E1za\u0165 na disproporcie medzi deklarovan\u00FDm a odpor\u00FA\u010Dan\u00FDm sp\u00F4sobom nap\u013A\u0148ania z\u00E1kladn\u00FDch mana\u017E\u00E9rskych funkci\u00ED zo strany mana\u017E\u00E9rov a re\u00E1lnou skuto\u010Dnos\u0165ou v praktickom \u017Eivote organiz\u00E1ci\u00ED. Samozrejme tak ako v be\u017Enom \u017Eivote, aj v \u017Eivote organiz\u00E1cie sa \u013Eudia spr\u00E1vaj\u00FA r\u00F4zne a s ich spr\u00E1van\u00EDm priamo alebo nepriamo s\u00FAvis\u00ED ich pr\u00EDnos, pr\u00EDpadne aj strata pre organiz\u00E1ciu. Uv\u00E1dzan\u00E9 teoretick\u00E9 princ\u00EDpy, poznatky, sk\u00FAsenosti a odporu\u010Denia z mana\u017E\u00E9rskej praxe autora textu sa vz\u0165ahuj\u00FA ku ka\u017Ed\u00E9mu mana\u017E\u00E9rsky riaden\u00E9mu subjektu, ale predov\u0161etk\u00FDm k subjektom priemyselnej sf\u00E9ry \u2013 k priemyseln\u00E9mu podniku." . . "It is clear that life stance in humans is also reflected in his work life. No manager, no matterat what level in the hierarchy of the organization is currently located (top, middle management, line), I would not be among his subordinates a person who is living in a position reflecting the low activity level or position in life, which has a passive character. Understanding and sometimes the influence of negative attitudes of people living with which a manager or co-operates only through their work in any relationship faces, for a successful manager is very important. It goes without saying that no man is pronounced personality and that the different life stages may find themselves in different situations, which may appear differently. Every individual in a personal and professional life, in essence experiencing a different range of emotions that affect their behavior in positive and negative sense, against individuals and organizations as a whole. Author contribution examines and analyzes the most common and most recurrent problems in meeting the basic management functions, which is an integral part of the very important area related to human resource management. As well as the organizations in their internal excellence, smart and versatile theoretically and practically skilled people, has the workers who are not always fully and continuously pursued ideas and aims of the organization. The exception in this respect they are not managers, who, despite the qualifications and needs, and many have a certain practical circumstances, may have problems with psychology and sociology of human resource management."@en . "N" . . . "0018-8069" . "Theoretical approaches and practical experience in human resources management in industry"@en . . "CZ - \u010Cesk\u00E1 republika" . "Theoretical approaches and practical experience in human resources management in industry"@en . . "Hutnick\u00E9 listy" . . "Dlugo\u0161, Ivan" . "173786" . . "27360" . . "industry; management; human resources"@en . "1"^^ . . . "Teoretick\u00E9 pr\u00EDstupy a praktick\u00E9 sk\u00FAsenosti v riaden\u00ED \u013Eudsk\u00FDch zdrojov v priemyselnej sf\u00E9re" . "Teoretick\u00E9 pr\u00EDstupy a praktick\u00E9 sk\u00FAsenosti v riaden\u00ED \u013Eudsk\u00FDch zdrojov v priemyselnej sf\u00E9re" . "RIV/61989100:27360/12:86085497" . "1"^^ . "Dlugo\u0161, Ivan" . .