. "Z(AV0Z30860518)" . . "The essential point for seismological observation in the northern part of Moravia, Czech Republic, is a permanent seismic station Ostrava - Kr\u00E1sn\u00E9 Pole (OKC) that is a part of the Czech regional seismological network (hereafter CRSN). Institute of Geonics AS CR, v.v.i., has also operated temporary seismic stations in this region since 1997. Current seismological stations are located in an abandoned mine working located in Zlat\u00E9 Hory and in cellars in Kloko\u010Dov and castle Radu\u0148 near Opava."@en . "Desetilet\u00E9 seizmologick\u00E9 pozorov\u00E1n\u00ED v severn\u00ED \u010D\u00E1sti Moravsko-slezsk\u00E9ho regionu"@cs . "Decade of seismological observation in the northern part of Moravo-Silesian region" . "Moravo-Silesian region; seismic network; microearthquake"@en . . "Decade of seismological observation in the northern part of Moravo-Silesian region"@en . "The essential point for seismological observation in the northern part of Moravia, Czech Republic, is a permanent seismic station Ostrava - Kr\u00E1sn\u00E9 Pole (OKC) that is a part of the Czech regional seismological network (hereafter CRSN). Institute of Geonics AS CR, v.v.i., has also operated temporary seismic stations in this region since 1997. Current seismological stations are located in an abandoned mine working located in Zlat\u00E9 Hory and in cellars in Kloko\u010Dov and castle Radu\u0148 near Opava." . "43-49" . "Decade of seismological observation in the northern part of Moravo-Silesian region" . . . . "415932" . "4" . "1214-9705" . "Desetilet\u00E9 seizmologick\u00E9 pozorov\u00E1n\u00ED v severn\u00ED \u010D\u00E1sti Moravsko-slezsk\u00E9ho regionu"@cs . "[EF821DC9D641]" . . . "Z\u00E1kladn\u00EDm bodem seizmologick\u00FDch pozorov\u00E1n\u00ED v severn\u00ED \u010D\u00E1sti Moravsko-slezsk\u00E9ho regionu , \u010CR, je trval\u00E1 seizmologick\u00E1 stanice Ostrava- Kr\u00E1sn\u00E9 Pole, kter\u00E1 je sou\u010D\u00E1st\u00ED n\u00E1rodn\u00ED seizmologick\u00E9 s\u00EDt\u011B. \u00DAstav goeniky AV\u010CR, v.v.i. provozuje v t\u00E9to oblasti do\u010Dasn\u00E9 seizmologick\u00E9 stanice od roku 1997. V sou\u010Dasn\u00E9 dob\u011B jsou stanice um\u00EDst\u011Bny v opu\u0161t\u011Bn\u00E9m dole ve Zlat\u00FDch Hor\u00E1ch a ve sklep\u00EDch objektu v Kloko\u010Dov\u011B a na z\u00E1mku Radu\u0148 o Opavy."@cs . "27120" . "3"^^ . "RIV/61989100:27120/07:00017626!RIV08-AV0-27120___" . "1"^^ . . "RIV/61989100:27120/07:00017626" . "Holub, Karel" . "CZ - \u010Cesk\u00E1 republika" . "Kal\u00E1b, Zden\u011Bk" . . . . "Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia" . "Decade of seismological observation in the northern part of Moravo-Silesian region"@en . "Knejzl\u00EDk, Jarom\u00EDr" . "7"^^ . "4" . . . .