"[648B7274B0B5]" . "P(IAA108270902), Z(MSM6198898701)" . . "\u0160t\u011Bpni\u010Dka, Martin" . . . . "Proc. of FUZZ-IEEE 2010" . . "2"^^ . . . "1"^^ . "Fuzzy rules; implicative fuzzy models; defuzzification; monotonicity"@en . "2010-01-01+01:00"^^ . "Monotonicity of implicative fuzzy models" . . . "Monotonicity of implicative fuzzy models" . . . "272574" . "Frequent practical problems lead to intuitively monotone fuzzy rule bases. By the monotone fuzzy rule base we mean a rule base consisting of such fuzzy rules expressing the monotone dependence of consequent fuzzy sets on antecedent fuzzy sets. Very often real-world applications require some defuzzification to be employed at the end of the inference process. The problem is that after the defuzzification we obtain a crisp input-output function which is not necessarily monotone anymore. Most of the attention has been paid to the Mamdani-Assilian conjunctive kind of models of fuzzy rule bases built with help of particular t-norms. This paper focuses on the implicative approach for arbitrary residual implication."@en . "Barcelona" . . "Barcelona" . "Frequent practical problems lead to intuitively monotone fuzzy rule bases. By the monotone fuzzy rule base we mean a rule base consisting of such fuzzy rules expressing the monotone dependence of consequent fuzzy sets on antecedent fuzzy sets. Very often real-world applications require some defuzzification to be employed at the end of the inference process. The problem is that after the defuzzification we obtain a crisp input-output function which is not necessarily monotone anymore. Most of the attention has been paid to the Mamdani-Assilian conjunctive kind of models of fuzzy rule bases built with help of particular t-norms. This paper focuses on the implicative approach for arbitrary residual implication." . "RIV/61988987:17610/10:A1100YHO!RIV11-MSM-17610___" . "17610" . "000287453602070" . "7"^^ . "Monotonicity of implicative fuzzy models"@en . "Monotonicity of implicative fuzzy models"@en . . . . "IEEE" . "RIV/61988987:17610/10:A1100YHO" . . . "De Baets, Bernard" . . . "978-1-4244-6920-8" .