. . "Zlep\u0161en\u00ED odolnosti k chorob\u00E1m a hospod\u00E1\u0159sk\u00FDch vlastnost\u00ED jablon\u011B" . . "apple breeding; scab resistance; smaller sized apple"@en . "I" . . . "Tup\u00FD, Jaroslav" . "UEB 3366 1" . "A new and distinct, smaller sized apple dessert variety with resistant against scab (Vf). Fruits are red colored with good and aromatic flavor, eating maturity shortly after harvest." . . "[B49A1F7B6F0D]" . . "Zima, Jan" . "3"^^ . . "RIV/61389030:_____/14:00439807" . "3"^^ . "RIV/61389030:_____/14:00439807!RIV15-AV0-61389030" . "UEB 3366 1"@en . . "A new and distinct, smaller sized apple dessert variety with resistant against scab (Vf). Fruits are red colored with good and aromatic flavor, eating maturity shortly after harvest."@en . . . . . . "http://home.ueb.cas.cz/publikace/2014_Tupy_odruda_UEB3366.pdf" . . . "UEB 3366 1" . "Louda, Otto" . . . "UEB 3366 1"@en . "51711" . . "UEB-3366/1" . "EU 36794" . .