. . "Dejarnac, Renaud" . "Arnoux, G." . . "152479" . "P\u0159edneseno na:17th ITPA/DSOL meeting, San Diego,US,15.10.-17.10.2012, Construction of the ITER tokamak, the largest scientific project of today, requires knowledge base for the inner wall, determined by the plasma edge thickness. This presentation summarizes an international effort with the goal to predict this value, based on empirical scaling based on experiments on many tokamaks worldwide."@en . . . . "Vondr\u00E1\u010Dek, Petr" . "Janky, Filip" . "Stangeby, P. C." . "Marsen, S." . "Shimada, M." . . "Havl\u00ED\u010Dek, Josef" . "Multi-tokamak scaling for prediction of ITER SOL width during the limiter startup phase" . "Silva, C." . . . . "Popov, Tsv." . "P(7G10072), P(GAP205/12/2327), P(LA08048), Z(AV0Z20430508)" . . "ITER; plasma; tokamak"@en . "Multi-tokamak scaling for prediction of ITER SOL width during the limiter startup phase"@en . . "Multi-tokamak scaling for prediction of ITER SOL width during the limiter startup phase" . . "Hor\u00E1\u010Dek, Jan" . "Multi-tokamak scaling for prediction of ITER SOL width during the limiter startup phase"@en . "Seidl, Jakub" . . . . "Dejarnac, Renaud" . "RIV/61389021:_____/12:00384012" . "[963D175CF7E0]" . "Ad\u00E1mek, Ji\u0159\u00ED" . "7"^^ . "19"^^ . "Janky, Filip" . "Xu, G. S." . . . . "Wang, H." . "Gunn, J." . "Goldston, R." . . . . "Pitts, R. A." . "Rudakov, D." . "RIV/61389021:_____/12:00384012!RIV13-GA0-61389021" . "P\u0159edneseno na:17th ITPA/DSOL meeting, San Diego,US,15.10.-17.10.2012, Construction of the ITER tokamak, the largest scientific project of today, requires knowledge base for the inner wall, determined by the plasma edge thickness. This presentation summarizes an international effort with the goal to predict this value, based on empirical scaling based on experiments on many tokamaks worldwide." . . .