"1"^^ . . . "Bellin, J." . . "4"^^ . . "Pr\u00E1\u0161ky na b\u00E1zi WC-Co byly st\u0159\u00EDk\u00E1ny pomoc\u00ED WSP plazmatronu s vodn\u00ED stabilizac\u00ED. Byla provedena matice experiment\u016F s prom\u011Bnnou pod\u00E1vac\u00ED vzd\u00E1lenost\u00ED a st\u0159\u00EDkac\u00ED vzd\u00E1lenost\u00ED. Ten\u010D\u00ED n\u00E1st\u0159iky byly provedeny na uhl\u00EDkovou ocel a tlust\u0161\u00ED na nerez ocel, aby do\u0161lo k porovn\u00E1n\u00ED podm\u00EDnek rychl\u00E9ho chladnut\u00ED (uhl. ocel) s pomalej\u0161\u00EDm (nerez). Z\u00E1kladn\u00ED charakterizace struktury byla provedena pomoc\u00ED XRD, SEM a sv\u011Bteln\u00E9 mikroskopie s anal\u00FDzou obrazu. Mikrotvrdost byla m\u011B\u0159ena na le\u0161t\u011Bn\u00FDch p\u0159\u00ED\u010Dn\u00FDch \u0159ezech. Hlavn\u00ED d\u016Fraz byl kladen na stanoven\u00ED ot\u011Bruvdornosti jak za sucha (test podle ASTM G65) tak za mokra (test podle ASTM G75). Byl sledov\u00E1n vliv parametr\u016F plazmatronu na ot\u011Bruvzdornost. V\u00FDsledky mechanick\u00FDch test\u016F jsou diskutov\u00E1ny v souvislosti s f\u00E1zov\u00FDm slo\u017Een\u00EDm a mikrostrukturou vrstev. V\u00FDsledky ukazuj\u00ED, \u017Ee pro z\u00EDsk\u00E1n\u00ED nejlep\u0161\u00EDch n\u00E1st\u0159ik\u016F ze sledovan\u00FDch hledisek je nejvhodn\u011Bj\u0161\u00ED kombinac\u00ED parametr\u016F velk\u00E1 pod\u00E1vac\u00ED vzd\u00E1lenost spolu s n\u00EDzkou st\u0159\u00EDkac\u00ED vzd\u00E1lenost\u00ED."@cs . "RIV/61389021:_____/08:00310211!RIV09-AV0-61389021" . "Plasma spraying of tungsten carbide \u2013 cobalt coatings by the water-stabilized system WSP"@en . . . . "386790" . . "Tungsten carbide \u2013 cobalt powders (WC-17wt.%Co) were plasma sprayed by a water-stabilized system WSP. A matrix of experiments with variable feeding distances and spray distances was carried out. Thinner coatings were carried out on carbon steel substrates and thicker coatings on stainless steel substrates to compare fast cooling conditions \u2013 the former with slower cooling conditions. Basic characterization of coatings was done by XRD, SEM and light microscopy plus image analysis. Microhardness was measured on polished cross sections. The main focus of investigation was on resistances against wear in dry as well as wet conditions. The appropriate tests were performed with set-ups based on ASTM G65 and G75, respectively. The influence of spray parameters onto coating wear performance was observed. The results of mechanical tests are discussed in connection with changes of phase composition and with the character of the coating\u2019s microstructure."@en . "P(1QS200430560), Z(AV0Z20430508)" . "Le Guen, E." . "12"^^ . "Plasma spraying; tungsten carbide - cobalt; wear resistance; mechanical testing"@en . . "Plasma spraying of tungsten carbide \u2013 cobalt coatings by the water-stabilized system WSP" . "Tungsten carbide \u2013 cobalt powders (WC-17wt.%Co) were plasma sprayed by a water-stabilized system WSP. A matrix of experiments with variable feeding distances and spray distances was carried out. Thinner coatings were carried out on carbon steel substrates and thicker coatings on stainless steel substrates to compare fast cooling conditions \u2013 the former with slower cooling conditions. Basic characterization of coatings was done by XRD, SEM and light microscopy plus image analysis. Microhardness was measured on polished cross sections. The main focus of investigation was on resistances against wear in dry as well as wet conditions. The appropriate tests were performed with set-ups based on ASTM G65 and G75, respectively. The influence of spray parameters onto coating wear performance was observed. The results of mechanical tests are discussed in connection with changes of phase composition and with the character of the coating\u2019s microstructure." . "Plazmov\u00E9 n\u00E1st\u0159iky na b\u00E1zi wolfram karbid \u2013 kobalt p\u0159ipraven\u00E9 pomoc\u00ED WSP technologie"@cs . . "Plasma spraying of tungsten carbide \u2013 cobalt coatings by the water-stabilized system WSP"@en . "Ctibor, Pavel" . "Plazmov\u00E9 n\u00E1st\u0159iky na b\u00E1zi wolfram karbid \u2013 kobalt p\u0159ipraven\u00E9 pomoc\u00ED WSP technologie"@cs . "Thermal spray crossing boarders (ITSC 2008)- Proceedings" . "Ka\u0161parov\u00E1, M." . . "Maastricht" . "Plasma spraying of tungsten carbide \u2013 cobalt coatings by the water-stabilized system WSP" . "2008-06-02+02:00"^^ . . . . . "[50FFF55EDD38]" . "ASM International" . . . "Duesseldorf" . "978-3-87155-979-2" . . "RIV/61389021:_____/08:00310211" . .