"0142-9418" . "Indentation creep of heterogeneous blends poly(ethylene terephthalate)/impact modifier"@en . "indentation creep;thermoplastics;polymer blends"@en . . . "Indentation creep of heterogeneous blends poly(ethylene terephthalate)/impact modifier" . . . "P(GA106/00/1307), Z(AV0Z4050913)" . "Indenta\u010Dn\u00ED creep heterogenn\u00EDch sm\u011Bs\u00ED polyetyl\u00E9ntereftal\u00E1t/modifik\u00E1tor hou\u017Eevnatosti"@cs . . "113;121" . "[5CD1431DB105]" . . "Polymer Testing" . "Indentation creep of heterogeneous blends poly(ethylene terephthalate)/impact modifier" . "Indenta\u010Dn\u00ED creep byl m\u011B\u0159en v intervalu 0,1 - 100 min, z\u00EDskan\u00E1 experiment\u00E1ln\u00ED data byla pops\u00E1na vhodnou funkc\u00ED. Plastick\u00E1 deformace rostla s \u010Dasem creepu rychleji ne\u017E celkov\u00E1 deformace. Logaritmus poddajnosti byl \u00FAm\u011Brn\u00FD obsahu modifik\u00E1toru hou\u017Eevnatosti a u v\u0161ech vzork\u016F byl line\u00E1rn\u00ED funkc\u00ED logaritmu \u010Dasu creepu."@cs . "23" . "9"^^ . . "RIV/61389013:_____/04:00105678" . . "The indentation creep was measured over the interval 0.1-100 min, acquired experimental data were fitted with a suitable function. Plastic deformation grew with the creep time faster than total deformation. The logarithm of compliance was proportional to the fraction of impact modifiers and for all samples was a linear function of the logarithm of creep time." . "Kola\u0159\u00EDk, Jan" . "1"^^ . . "2"^^ . "The indentation creep was measured over the interval 0.1-100 min, acquired experimental data were fitted with a suitable function. Plastic deformation grew with the creep time faster than total deformation. The logarithm of compliance was proportional to the fraction of impact modifiers and for all samples was a linear function of the logarithm of creep time."@en . . . "Pegoretti, A." . "Indentation creep of heterogeneous blends poly(ethylene terephthalate)/impact modifier"@en . "1" . "Indenta\u010Dn\u00ED creep heterogenn\u00EDch sm\u011Bs\u00ED polyetyl\u00E9ntereftal\u00E1t/modifik\u00E1tor hou\u017Eevnatosti"@cs . . . . "RIV/61389013:_____/04:00105678!RIV/2005/GA0/A55005/N" . "567672" . "NL - Nizozemsko" . . . .