"Srnka, Du\u0161an" . . "Kraev, I." . . "72" . . . . "Tramm, C." . . "A precise value for the magnetic moment of the As-69 5/2(-) ground state has been obtained from nuclear magnetic resonance on oriented nuclei (NMR/ON) using the NICOLE He-3-He-4 dilution refrigerator setup at ISOLDE/CERN. The NMR/ON signal was observed by monitoring the anisotropy of the As-69 beta particles. The center frequency nu[B-ext = 0.0994(10)T] = 169.98(9) MHz corresponds to mu[As-69] = +1.6229(16)mu(N). This result differs considerably from the pi f(5/2) single-particle value obtained with g factors for a free proton but is in reasonable agreement with the value obtained with effective g factors and with values from a core polarization calculation and from calculations in the framework of the interacting boson-fermion model. Assuming a single exponential spin-lattice relaxation behavior a relaxation time T-1' = 10(25) s was observed for (AsFe)-As-69 at a temperature of about 20 mK in a magnetic field B = 0.1 T."@en . . "V\u00E9nos, Drahoslav" . . "533447" . . "Nuclear magnetic moment of As-69 from on-line beta-NMR on oriented nuclei"@en . . . "0556-2813" . "A precise value for the magnetic moment of the As-69 5/2(-) ground state has been obtained from nuclear magnetic resonance on oriented nuclei (NMR/ON) using the NICOLE He-3-He-4 dilution refrigerator setup at ISOLDE/CERN. The NMR/ON signal was observed by monitoring the anisotropy of the As-69 beta particles. The center frequency nu[B-ext = 0.0994(10)T] = 169.98(9) MHz corresponds to mu[As-69] = +1.6229(16)mu(N). This result differs considerably from the pi f(5/2) single-particle value obtained with g factors for a free proton but is in reasonable agreement with the value obtained with effective g factors and with values from a core polarization calculation and from calculations in the framework of the interacting boson-fermion model. Assuming a single exponential spin-lattice relaxation behavior a relaxation time T-1' = 10(25) s was observed for (AsFe)-As-69 at a temperature of about 20 mK in a magnetic field B = 0.1 T." . . "Jadern\u00FD magnetick\u00FD moment isotopu 69As ur\u010Den\u00FD metodou online beta-NMR na orientovan\u00FDch j\u00E1drech"@cs . "Severijns, N." . "[E1B930FC62CF]" . . "6" . "Herzog, P." . "Nuclear magnetic moment of As-69 from on-line beta-NMR on oriented nuclei" . "Koster, U." . "1"^^ . . . "Golovko, V. V." . "Phalet, T." . "12"^^ . "Nuclear magnetic moment of As-69 from on-line beta-NMR on oriented nuclei" . "064316" . "Z\u00E1kouck\u00FD, Dalibor" . . "RIV/61389005:_____/05:00031842" . "ISOLDE-CERN; orientation; facility"@en . . "Jadern\u00FD magnetick\u00FD moment isotopu 69As ur\u010Den\u00FD metodou online beta-NMR na orientovan\u00FDch j\u00E1drech"@cs . . "4"^^ . "Delaure, B." . . . "Nuclear magnetic moment of As-69 from on-line beta-NMR on oriented nuclei"@en . "Honusek, Milan" . . "RIV/61389005:_____/05:00031842!RIV06-AV0-61389005" . "US - Spojen\u00E9 st\u00E1ty americk\u00E9" . "P\u0159esn\u00E1 hodnota magnetick\u00E9ho momentu z\u00E1kladn\u00EDho 5/2(-) stavu j\u00E1dra 69As byla ur\u010Dena metodou jadern\u00E9 magnetick\u00E9 rezonance (JMR) na orientovan\u00FDch j\u00E1drech na rozpou\u0161t\u011Bc\u00EDm refriger\u00E1toru NICOLE na ISOLDE v CERNu. Sign\u00E1l JMR byl sledov\u00E1n monitorov\u00E1n\u00EDm asymetrie beta-\u010D\u00E1stic emitovan\u00FDch p\u0159i rozpadu 69As. Nalezen\u00E1 rezonan\u010Dn\u00ED frekvence ?=169.98(9)MHz odpov\u00EDd\u00E1 hodnot\u011B magnetick\u00E9ho momentu ?[69As] =1.6229(16)?N. Tato hodnota se v\u00FDrazn\u011B li\u0161\u00ED od jedno\u010D\u00E1sticov\u00E9 hodnoty z\u00EDskan\u00E9 s pou\u017Eit\u00EDm g-faktoru voln\u00E9ho protonu, ale souhlas\u00ED s hodnotami po\u010D\u00EDtan\u00FDmi s efektivn\u00ED hodnotou g-faktoru \u010Di s hodnotami z\u00EDskan\u00FDmi v r\u00E1mci v\u00FDpo\u010Dt\u016F se zapo\u010Dten\u00EDm polarizace k\u00F3ru \u010Di v r\u00E1mci modelu interaguj\u00EDc\u00EDch boson\u016F a fermion\u016F. Rovn\u011B\u017E byl ur\u010Den relaxa\u010Dn\u00ED \u010Das pro 69As v syst\u00E9mu (AsFe) T1=10(25)s p\u0159i teplot\u011B ~20mK a magnetick\u00E9m poli B=0.1T."@cs . "Physical Review. C" . "P(GA202/02/0848), P(GA202/99/0154), Z(AV0Z1048901)" .