"Kitazava, S." . . "Juha, Libor" . "Metal\u2013fullerene (Ni\u2013C60) thin film has been synthesized by co-deposition of Ni and C60 on the Ni/Si backing (i.e. on the Ni-coated Si wafer). The hybrid NiCC60 mixture (with C60 affluent component) was grown as a nano-structured composite which consists of the dispersed Ni clusters and the complex C60/a-C-based matrix (a-C\u2014amorphous carbon). The laser beam irradiation (Nd:YAG, 1064 nm, 8 ns) led to an unusual restructuring of the hybrid matter. In an area restricted by a small aperture, the single-pulse irradiation resulted in formation of a two-stage protrusion encircled with a-C ring and C60-depleted halo. On the other hand, a broad defocused beam irradiation resulted in extensive Ni/C60(a-C) phase separation with interspersed Ni- and C60(a-C)-rich zones. Surprisingly in the C60(a-C)-rich areas, a number of micrometer-sized periodic surface patterns (so-called LIPSS\u2014laser-induced periodic surface structure) were observed."@en . "Ni; C60; phase separation"@en . "RIV/61389005:_____/05:00031538" . "Tenk\u00E1 vrstva kov/fuller\u00E9ny (Ni/C60) byla syntetizov\u00E1na ko-depozic\u00ED Ni a C60 na podlo\u017Eku Ni/Si. Hybridn\u00ED vrstva (s dominantn\u00ED komponentou C60) byla p\u0159ipravena jako nano-strukturovan\u00FD kompozit tvo\u0159en\u00FD klastry Ni v prost\u0159ed\u00ED C60/a-C (a-C amorfn\u00ED uhl\u00EDk). Oz\u00E1\u0159en\u00ED kompozitu laserem (Nd:YAG, 1064 nm, 8 ns) vedlo k neobvykl\u00E9 restrukturalizaci kompozitn\u00ED vrstvy. V oblastech zasa\u017Een\u00FDch \u00FAzk\u00FDm fokusovan\u00FDm svazkem vznikla dvoustup\u0148ov\u00E1 prostorov\u00E1 struktura tvo\u0159en\u00E1 \u00FAzk\u00FDm prstencem tvo\u0159en\u00FDm a-C a navazuj\u00EDci rozs\u00E1hlou oblast\u00ED s ochuzen\u00FDm C60. P\u0159i oz\u00E1\u0159en\u00ED vzorku \u0161irok\u00FDm divergentn\u00EDm svazkem se prob\u011Bhlo mnoho\u010Detn\u00E9 f\u00E1zov\u00E9 rozd\u011Blen\u00ED s oblastmi s p\u0159evl\u00E1daj\u00EDc\u00EDm Ni resp. C60(a-C). Zaj\u00EDmav\u00E1 struktura vznikla v oblastech C60(a-C), kde byly pozorov\u00E1ny periodick\u00E9 povrchov\u00E9 sruktury indukovan\u00E9 laserem (tzv. LIPSS\u2014laser-induced periodic surface structure)."@cs . . . "Laser-induced phase separation in the nickel\u2013fullerene nano-composite"@en . "Metal\u2013fullerene (Ni\u2013C60) thin film has been synthesized by co-deposition of Ni and C60 on the Ni/Si backing (i.e. on the Ni-coated Si wafer). The hybrid NiCC60 mixture (with C60 affluent component) was grown as a nano-structured composite which consists of the dispersed Ni clusters and the complex C60/a-C-based matrix (a-C\u2014amorphous carbon). The laser beam irradiation (Nd:YAG, 1064 nm, 8 ns) led to an unusual restructuring of the hybrid matter. In an area restricted by a small aperture, the single-pulse irradiation resulted in formation of a two-stage protrusion encircled with a-C ring and C60-depleted halo. On the other hand, a broad defocused beam irradiation resulted in extensive Ni/C60(a-C) phase separation with interspersed Ni- and C60(a-C)-rich zones. Surprisingly in the C60(a-C)-rich areas, a number of micrometer-sized periodic surface patterns (so-called LIPSS\u2014laser-induced periodic surface structure) were observed." . . . "F\u00E1zov\u00E9 rozd\u011Blen\u00ED nano-kompozit\u016F nikl/fuller\u00E9ny indukovan\u00E9 laserem"@cs . "527794" . "Laser-induced phase separation in the nickel\u2013fullerene nano-composite"@en . "Naramoto, H." . "Laser-induced phase separation in the nickel\u2013fullerene nano-composite" . . . "5"^^ . . . . . . "Vac\u00EDk, Ji\u0159\u00ED" . "4"^^ . "1"^^ . "-" . . . . "5022-3697" . . "66" . "Yamamoto, S." . "CZ - \u010Cesk\u00E1 republika" . "Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids" . "581;584" . "P(LN00A100), P(ME 522), Z(AV0Z10480505)" . "Laser-induced phase separation in the nickel\u2013fullerene nano-composite" . "RIV/61389005:_____/05:00031538!RIV06-AV0-61389005" . "[4B2E1ECB2965]" . . . "F\u00E1zov\u00E9 rozd\u011Blen\u00ED nano-kompozit\u016F nikl/fuller\u00E9ny indukovan\u00E9 laserem"@cs .