"RIV/61388955:_____/06:00044739!RIV07-AV0-61388955" . "NL - Nizozemsko" . . "Nikolajenko, Vladim\u00EDr" . . "Interakce mezi kovem a podlo\u017Ekou v syst\u00E9mech s paladiem deponovan\u00E9m na oxidovan\u00E9m porchu wolframu"@cs . . "P(GA202/05/0244), Z(AV0Z40400503)" . . "Metal-support interactions in systems palladium deposited on oxidized tungsten surfaces"@en . . "[F686CFF446EA]" . "RIV/61388955:_____/06:00044739" . . . . "V autoemisn\u00EDm mikroskopu byla studov\u00E1na: a) morfologie paladiov\u00FDch tenk\u00FDch vrstev na zoxidovan\u00E9m wolframov\u00E9m hrotu, b) vliv tepeln\u00E9ho opracov\u00E1n\u00ED na interakci t\u011Bchto paladio\u00FDch vrstev na adsorpci oxidu uhelnat\u00E9ho (CO). Dopl\u0148kov\u00E9 experimenty na zoxidovan\u00E9 wolframov\u00E9 folii za pou\u017Eit\u00ED fotoelektronov\u00E9 spektroskopie vybuzen\u00E9 synchrotronov\u00FDm z\u00E1\u0159en\u00EDm a teplotn\u011B programovan\u00E9 desorpce CO uk\u00E1z\u00E1ly podstatn\u00FD vliv zp\u016Fsobu oxidace podlo\u017Eky na r\u016Fst paladiov\u00E9 vrstvy. Dva typy oxidovan\u00E9 podlo\u017Eky byli p\u0159ipraveny t\u011Bmito postupy: 1) preadsorpc\u00ED kysl\u00EDku na wolframu p\u0159i pokojov\u00E9 teplot\u011B a n\u00E1sledn\u00FDm vyh\u0159\u00E1t\u00ED na 700 K (vzorek WOx/W (RT)) a 2) oxidac\u00ED wolframu p\u0159i 1300 K (vzorek (WOx/W (1300 K)). Povrch vzorku WOx/W (1300 K) je pln\u011B zoxidov\u00E1n, naproti tomu na povrchu vzorku WOx/W (RT) byla pomoc\u00ED fotoelektronov\u00E9 spektroskopie prok\u00E1z\u00E1na p\u0159\u00EDtomnost nezoxidovan\u00FDch oblast\u00ED. R\u016Fst paladiov\u00E9 vrstvy na vzorku WOx/W (RT) prob\u00EDh\u00E1 na wolframov\u00E9m hrotu p\u0159ev\u00E1\u017En\u011B na hust\u011B obsazen\u00FDch rovin\u00E1ch typu (110) a (211)."@cs . . "The morphology of the palladium (Pd) overlayers on oxidized tungsten (W) tips has been studied by Field Emission Microscopy (FEM). The effect of thermal treatment on the interaction of Pd with the support and chemisorption of CO on variously treated Pd-containing samples has been investigated. The results are discussed in relation to complementary macroscopic experiments by synchrotron radiation excited photoelectron spectroscopy (SRPES) and thermally programmed desorption (TPD) of carbon monoxide (CO) on a polycrystalline W foil. A distinct influence of support pre-oxidation on the Pd layer growth has been demonstrated. Two types of oxidized supports have been used: tungsten with oxygen pre-adsorbed at room temperature (RT) and then heated to 700 K (WOx/W (RT) system) and tungsten oxidized at 1300 K (WOx/W (1300 K) system) in situ. The surface of WOx/W (1300 K) sample is fully oxidized in contrast to WOx/W (RT), where ..." . . . "0039-6028" . "485055" . "600" . "Jirka, Ivan" . "Knor, Zlatko" . . . . . "18" . "4"^^ . "Interakce mezi kovem a podlo\u017Ekou v syst\u00E9mech s paladiem deponovan\u00E9m na oxidovan\u00E9m porchu wolframu"@cs . "7"^^ . . "field emission microscopy; thermal desorption spectroscopy; synchrotron radiation photoelectron spectroscopy; growth; metal-oxide interfaces"@en . "The morphology of the palladium (Pd) overlayers on oxidized tungsten (W) tips has been studied by Field Emission Microscopy (FEM). The effect of thermal treatment on the interaction of Pd with the support and chemisorption of CO on variously treated Pd-containing samples has been investigated. The results are discussed in relation to complementary macroscopic experiments by synchrotron radiation excited photoelectron spectroscopy (SRPES) and thermally programmed desorption (TPD) of carbon monoxide (CO) on a polycrystalline W foil. A distinct influence of support pre-oxidation on the Pd layer growth has been demonstrated. Two types of oxidized supports have been used: tungsten with oxygen pre-adsorbed at room temperature (RT) and then heated to 700 K (WOx/W (RT) system) and tungsten oxidized at 1300 K (WOx/W (1300 K) system) in situ. The surface of WOx/W (1300 K) sample is fully oxidized in contrast to WOx/W (RT), where ..."@en . . "3943;3949" . "Surface Science" . "Metal-support interactions in systems palladium deposited on oxidized tungsten surfaces"@en . "Metal-support interactions in systems palladium deposited on oxidized tungsten surfaces" . "4"^^ . . . . . "Metal-support interactions in systems palladium deposited on oxidized tungsten surfaces" . . "Pl\u0161ek, Jan" .