"8"^^ . "Zeolites: Structures and Inclusion Properties"@en . . . . "[168D7998E612]" . . . "New York" . "\u010Cejka, Ji\u0159\u00ED" . "Zeolite-based molecular sieves represent one of the most important groups of crystalline inorganic materials, with a great potential for application as adsorbents, ion-exchangers and heterogeneous catalysts. The first natural zeolite, stilbite, was discovered about 250 years ago by Swedish mineralogist Cr?nsted who showed that this mineral released water upon heating and thus this mineral was named zeolite after Greek zeo (to boil) and lithos (stone). Since that time, about 50 natural zeolites have been found in different parts of the world [1]."@en . "RIV/61388955:_____/04:00101081!RIV/2005/AV0/A54005/N" . . "Zeolity: jejich struktura a vlastnosti"@cs . . . "1623;1630" . "Zeolites: Structures and Inclusion Properties" . . "Dominantn\u00ED postaven\u00ED v katalytick\u00FDch aplikac\u00EDch v chemick\u00E9m pr\u016Fmyslu zauj\u00EDm\u00E1 skupina anorganick\u00FDch materi\u00E1l\u016F - zeolitick\u00FDch molekulov\u00FDch s\u00EDt, na b\u00E1zi krystalick\u00FDch hlinitok\u0159emi\u010Ditan\u016F. Tyto materi\u00E1ly na\u0161ly velk\u00E9 uplatn\u011Bn\u00ED nejen jako heterogenn\u00ED katalyz\u00E1tory, ale tak\u00E9 jako sorp\u010Dn\u00ED materi\u00E1ly a iontom\u011Bni\u010De. Prvn\u00ED p\u0159\u00EDrodn\u00ED zeolit, stilbit, byl objeven \u0161v\u00E9dsk\u00FDm mineralogem A. F. Cr?nstedem roku 1756 (poprv\u00E9 se jej poda\u0159ilo p\u0159ipravit synteticky a\u017E o sto let pozd\u011Bji, roku 1862). Cr?nsted si v\u0161iml, \u017Ee p\u0159i zah\u0159\u00EDv\u00E1n\u00ED tento miner\u00E1l vratn\u011B uvol\u0148uje vodu, a proto jej pojmenoval zeolit podle \u0159eck\u00E9ho zeo (var) a lithos (k\u00E1men). Od t\u00E9 doby bylo nalezeno v\u00EDce ne\u017E 50 p\u0159\u00EDrodn\u00EDch zeolit\u016F v r\u016Fzn\u00FDch \u010D\u00E1stech sv\u011Bta."@cs . "Zeolites: Structures and Inclusion Properties" . . . . "Zeolite-based molecular sieves represent one of the most important groups of crystalline inorganic materials, with a great potential for application as adsorbents, ion-exchangers and heterogeneous catalysts. The first natural zeolite, stilbite, was discovered about 250 years ago by Swedish mineralogist Cr?nsted who showed that this mineral released water upon heating and thus this mineral was named zeolite after Greek zeo (to boil) and lithos (stone). Since that time, about 50 natural zeolites have been found in different parts of the world [1]." . . . "Zeolites: Structures and Inclusion Properties"@en . . . "595874" . "1"^^ . "Encyclopedia of Supramolecular Chemistry" . . "Marcel Dekker" . "zeolites; mesoporous molecular sieves; inclusion compounds"@en . . "P(GA104/02/0571), P(GA203/03/0804), P(IAA4040001), Z(AV0Z4040901)" . . "1"^^ . "Zeolity: jejich struktura a vlastnosti"@cs . "RIV/61388955:_____/04:00101081" .