"Report on the actual issues of migration processes in Europe" . . "1"^^ . "Main topics of the document: globalization; immigration; public administration" . . "1"^^ . "S" . . . "978-80-245-1961-6" . . . . "102448" . "Praha" . . . "Praha" . . . "Report on the actual issues of migration processes in Europe"@en . "Kade\u0159\u00E1bkov\u00E1, Jaroslava" . . . "RIV/61384399:31150/13:00043005!RIV14-MSM-31150___" . . "1"^^ . "Report on the actual issues of migration processes in Europe"@en . "globalization; immigration; public administration"@en . "[07C13887CEFE]" . "31150" . . "Challenges of International Migration" . "Report on the actual issues of migration processes in Europe" . "Main topics of the document: globalization; immigration; public administration"@en . "2012-10-05+02:00"^^ . "Vysok\u00E1 \u0161kola ekonomick\u00E1 v Praze. Nakladatelstv\u00ED Oeconomica" . "RIV/61384399:31150/13:00043005" . .