"22"^^ . "Ed\u00EDcia Economics" . . "31120" . "Margan, Florian" . "RIV/61384399:31120/11:00038761!RIV12-MSM-31120___" . . . . "978-80-89393-70-1" . . . "Bratislava" . "Energetick\u00E1 bezpe\u010Dnos\u0165 v obdob\u00ED globaliz\u00E1cie a jej vplyv na konkurencieschopnos\u0165 E\u00DA" . "Koncepcia jednotn\u00E9ho energetick\u00E9ho trhu a priority E\u00DA" . "Z(MSM6138439909)" . . . "1"^^ . . "Energy security in the period of globalization and its impact on EU competitiveness"@en . . "RIV/61384399:31120/11:00038761" . . "1"^^ . "Sprint dva" . "Basic themes of document: energy; safety; globalization; competitiveness of the EU; energy market"@en . "Publik\u00E1cia sa zameriava na t\u00E9my: Koncepcia jednotn\u00E9ho energetick\u00E9ho trhu a priority E\u00DA" . . "[69A8B6BABBC1]" . . . "Energy security in the period of globalization and its impact on EU competitiveness"@en . . "288"^^ . "207929" . "energy; safety; globalization; competitiveness of the EU; energy market"@en . . "Koncepcia jednotn\u00E9ho energetick\u00E9ho trhu a priority E\u00DA" . . .