. "S" . "Nov\u00E9 Z\u00E1mky" . "1"^^ . . "Modern\u00ED formy marketingov\u00E9 komunikace a jejich vliv na konkurenceschopnost \u010Desk\u00FDch firem" . "1"^^ . . "RIV/61384399:31120/04:00020617!RIV07-MSM-31120___" . "Modern forms of marketing communications and their influence on the ability to compete of the of the Czech firms"@en . "31120" . . "Hlavn\u00ED t\u00E9mata dokumentu: marketing; internet; marketingov\u00E1 komunikace" . . "Modern\u00ED formy marketingov\u00E9 komunikace a jejich vliv na konkurenceschopnost \u010Desk\u00FDch firem"@cs . "80-225-1882-4" . "[C765E5EC3AE8]" . "RIV/61384399:31120/04:00020617" . "Modern\u00ED formy marketingov\u00E9 komunikace a jejich vliv na konkurenceschopnost \u010Desk\u00FDch firem"@cs . "Kr\u00E1l, Petr" . . . "7. medzin\u00E1rodn\u00E1 vedeck\u00E1 konferencia doktorandov EDAMBA na Ekonomickej univerzite v Bratislave" . "5"^^ . "Hlavn\u00ED t\u00E9mata dokumentu: marketing; internet; marketingov\u00E1 komunikace"@cs . . "Basic themes of document: marketing; internet; marketing communications"@en . . "Ekon\u00F3m" . "574215" . "Bratislava" . . . "Modern forms of marketing communications and their influence on the ability to compete of the of the Czech firms"@en . . "403;407" . "2004-04-07+02:00"^^ . . "Modern\u00ED formy marketingov\u00E9 komunikace a jejich vliv na konkurenceschopnost \u010Desk\u00FDch firem" . . "marketing; internet; marketing communications"@en . .