"http://uprt.vscht.cz/vav/SoftwareRealizace2012.htm" . . . "Robotic automation and manipulation is often used in industry. Robots are made for specific operations which are simple, repeating and dangerous for humans. This application (including simple user interface) provides connection and control of robotic arm with 5 degrees of freedom (using MATLAB environment)." . . "MINDSTORM NXT; 3-D reconstruction; robotic manipulator control"@en . "22340" . . . "RIV/60461373:22340/12:43893466!RIV13-MSM-22340___" . . "RIV/60461373:22340/12:43893466" . . "[FF89BEF8DD61]" . "2"^^ . . "Crha, Jan" . . "Mare\u0161, Jan" . "2"^^ . "Z(MSM6046137306)" . "168933" . "Software inovuje standardn\u00ED p\u0159\u00EDstupy k ovl\u00E1d\u00E1n\u00ED robotick\u00FDch manipul\u00E1tor\u016F tak, \u017Ee usnad\u0148uje orientaci v programu a urychluje pr\u00E1ci o 35 %, zp\u0159es\u0148uje ovl\u00E1dan\u00FD prvek o 25 %." . "Software for Robotic Manipulator Control"@en . . . . "Software for Robotic Manipulator Control"@en . . "2012-445-03" . "Software for Robotic Manipulator Control" . . "Software for Robotic Manipulator Control" . . . . "http://uprt.vscht.cz/vav/SoftwareRealizace2012.htm Ing. Jan Mare\u0161, Ph.D., V\u0160CHT v Praze, Technick\u00E1 5, 166 28 Praha 6, +420 2 2044 4172, maresj@vscht.cz" . . "Robotic automation and manipulation is often used in industry. Robots are made for specific operations which are simple, repeating and dangerous for humans. This application (including simple user interface) provides connection and control of robotic arm with 5 degrees of freedom (using MATLAB environment)."@en . .