. "2"^^ . . "Kosek, Juraj" . . . . "Effective transport properties of random and regular cellular structures"@en . . . . . . . "Efektivn\u00ED transportn\u00ED vlastnosti n\u00E1hodn\u00FDch a uspo\u0159\u00E1dan\u00FDch p\u011Bnov\u00FDch struktur"@cs . . "519539" . . "Dynamika zp\u011B\u0148ov\u00E1n\u00ED \u010D\u00E1stic polystyrenu byla studov\u00E1na experiment\u00E1ln\u011B v pozorovac\u00ED cele um\u00EDst\u011Bn\u00E9 pod mikroskopem s p\u0159ipojenou digit\u00E1ln\u00ED kamerou. Vlivy relevantn\u00EDch procesn\u00EDch podm\u00EDnek na dynamiku a rozsah zp\u011B\u0148ov\u00E1n\u00ED byly systematicky zkoum\u00E1ny, nap\u0159. teplota, obsah nadouvadla (pentanu) a pr\u016Fm\u011Br \u010D\u00E1stic polystyrenu. Bun\u011B\u010Dn\u00E1 struktura p\u011Bnov\u00E9ho polystyrenu byla pops\u00E1na morfologick\u00FDmi deskriptory a prostorov\u011B 3D replika polystyrenov\u00E9 p\u011Bny byla rekonstruov\u00E1na Vornoiov\u00FDm algoritmem. Transport hmoty a tepla v p\u011Bnov\u00E1m polystyrenu pak byl vyhodnocen v z\u00E1vislosti na mikro-struktu\u0159e p\u011Bny."@cs . . "The dynamics of foaming of polystyrene pellets was studied experimentally in the observation cell placed under the microscope with attached digital camera. The effects of relevant process conditions on the dynamics and the extent of foaming were investigated systematically, for example: the foaming temperature, the content of the blowing agent (pentane) in polystyrene, the diameter of polystyrene pellet and the rate of the pressure release at the start of the foaming. The cellular structure of the polystyrene foam was described by morphological descriptors and the spatially 3D replica of the polystyrene foam was reconstructed by the algorithm of Voronoi tessellation. Heat and mass transport properties of polystyrene foams were then evaluated in dependence on the micro-structure of the foams." . "Salejov\u00E1, Gabriela" . "22340" . . . "RIV/60461373:22340/05:00015303" . . . "RIV/60461373:22340/05:00015303!RIV06-GA0-22340___" . "Effective transport properties of random and regular cellular structures"@en . "Efektivn\u00ED transportn\u00ED vlastnosti n\u00E1hodn\u00FDch a uspo\u0159\u00E1dan\u00FDch p\u011Bnov\u00FDch struktur"@cs . "foaming; diffusion; polymer foam; porosity; Voronoi tessellation; cellular structure"@en . "Effective transport properties of random and regular cellular structures" . "[A807E3523536]" . . "The dynamics of foaming of polystyrene pellets was studied experimentally in the observation cell placed under the microscope with attached digital camera. The effects of relevant process conditions on the dynamics and the extent of foaming were investigated systematically, for example: the foaming temperature, the content of the blowing agent (pentane) in polystyrene, the diameter of polystyrene pellet and the rate of the pressure release at the start of the foaming. The cellular structure of the polystyrene foam was described by morphological descriptors and the spatially 3D replica of the polystyrene foam was reconstructed by the algorithm of Voronoi tessellation. Heat and mass transport properties of polystyrene foams were then evaluated in dependence on the micro-structure of the foams."@en . . "2"^^ . . "Effective transport properties of random and regular cellular structures" . "P(GD104/03/H141), Z(MSM6046137306)" .