"Hradecky, Pavel" . "665910" . "Z(MSM 223400007)" . "Up to date information on the current state of the business processes with respect to all functions such as management, marketing and sales, production, research and development, customer service and logistics, is an essential foundation for effective decision-making. In most industrial sectors, there are usually several competitors who have comparable technical know-how. Through many kinds of co-operative forums and joint programs, all\u00A0major companies have access to up to date technical knowledge. Thisis also more or less true of all general business know-how, including market knowledge, industrial trends, financing etc. In this regard, there is no single superior competitor. Success depends upon the efficient utilization of detailed knowledge at eve ry company#s disposal as well as on how the company fulfils needs and expectations of their customers. However, the utilization process of\u00A0this knowledge is often poorly understood. Knowledge must be properly organized, intelligently managed and practica"@en . "RIV/60461373:22340/02:00006998!RIV/2004/MSM/223404/N" . "Support for Decision-making"@en . . . . . . . "22340" . . "121-126" . "Up to date information on the current state of the business processes with respect to all functions such as management, marketing and sales, production, research and development, customer service and logistics, is an essential foundation for effective decision-making. In most industrial sectors, there are usually several competitors who have comparable technical know-how. Through many kinds of co-operative forums and joint programs, all\u00A0major companies have access to up to date technical knowledge. Thisis also more or less true of all general business know-how, including market knowledge, industrial trends, financing etc. In this regard, there is no single superior competitor. Success depends upon the efficient utilization of detailed knowledge at eve ry company#s disposal as well as on how the company fulfils needs and expectations of their customers. However, the utilization process of\u00A0this knowledge is often poorly understood. Knowledge must be properly organized, intelligently managed and practica" . . "[81E09FD5FA06]" . . "80-248-0153-1" . "2002-09-04+02:00"^^ . "Support for Decision-making"@en . "Mathematical Methods in Economics 2002" . "6"^^ . "Support for Decision-making" . "Volejn\u00EDkov\u00E1, Irena" . "Vysok\u00E1 \u0161kola b\u00E1\u0148sk\u00E1 - Technick\u00E1 univerzita Ostrava" . . "Support for Decision-making" . . . "2"^^ . . . . . "Ostrava" . "Distribution; modelling; simulation; customer; service; satisfaction; optimisation"@en . "Ostrava" . . . . "0"^^ . "0"^^ . "2"^^ . "RIV/60461373:22340/02:00006998" . . .