"P\u0159edm\u011Btem studia bylo jednostup\u0148ov\u00E9 kontinu\u00E1ln\u00ED hlavn\u00ED kva\u0161en\u00ED piva v gaslift reaktoru s ml\u00E1tem jako nosi\u010Dem kvasinek. C\u00EDlem pr\u00E1ce bylo p\u0159ibl\u00ED\u017Eit chu\u0165ov\u00FD profil kontinu\u00E1ln\u011B vyr\u00E1b\u011Bn\u00E9ho zelen\u00E9ho piva k po\u017Eadovan\u00E9mu pomoc\u00ED optim\u00E1ln\u00ED aerace a teploty kva\u0161en\u00ED. D\u00E1le byla odhadnuta rychlost imobilizace kvasinek pomoc\u00ED kinetick\u00E9ho modelu upraven\u00E9ho na podm\u00EDnky kva\u0161en\u00ED piva. Objemov\u00E1 produktivita kontinu\u00E1ln\u00EDho syst\u00E9mu byla p\u011Btin\u00E1sobkem vs\u00E1dkov\u00E9ho kva\u0161en\u00ED. Chu\u0165ov\u00FD profil kontinu\u00E1ln\u011B vyroben\u00E9ho zelen\u00E9ho piva, za podm\u00EDnek nulov\u00E9 aerace a teplot 13-16 \u00B0C, byl pln\u011B srovnateln\u00FD s pivem vyr\u00E1b\u011Bn\u00FDm vs\u00E1dkov\u00FDm postupem v pr\u016Fmyslov\u00E9m m\u011B\u0159\u00EDtku."@cs . "A one stage continuous primary beer fermentation consisting of brewing yeast immobilized on spent grain particles in a gas lift reactor was studied. The goal of this work was to adjust the flavor of the continuously produced green beer to the desired character by sparging an adequate amount of air and by controlling the fermentation temperature in the immobilized yeast reactor as well as to predict the rate of the brewing yeast immobilization using a kinetic model adapted to the conditions of beer fermentation. The volumetric productivity of the continuous system was approximately 5 times higher than of the batch fermentation. The aroma profile of green beer from the continuous immobilized fermentation, run at zero air flow and temperatures 13-16\u00B0C, was fully comparable to that produced by industrial batch technology."@en . "Continuous Primary Fermentation of Beer - Yeast Immobilization Kinetics and Product Quality II" . . . "RIV/60461373:22330/05:00016001" . "Continuous Primary Fermentation of Beer - Yeast Immobilization Kinetics and Product Quality II" . "[153BAA065C4A]" . . "Brazilian Journal of Food Technology" . "RIV/60461373:22330/05:00016001!RIV06-MSM-22330___" . "Kontinu\u00E1ln\u00ED hlavn\u00ED kva\u0161en\u00ED piva - kinetika imobilizace kvasinek a kvalita produktu"@cs . "Kontinu\u00E1ln\u00ED hlavn\u00ED kva\u0161en\u00ED piva - kinetika imobilizace kvasinek a kvalita produktu"@cs . "22330" . . "74-79" . . "516294" . "Continuous Primary Fermentation of Beer - Yeast Immobilization Kinetics and Product Quality II"@en . "Teixeira, Jos\u00E9" . "Vicente, Ant\u00F3nio" . "Br\u00E1nyik, Tom\u00E1\u0161" . . . "3"^^ . "Continuous Primary Fermentation of Beer - Yeast Immobilization Kinetics and Product Quality II"@en . "Z(MSM 223300005)" . . . "1"^^ . "A one stage continuous primary beer fermentation consisting of brewing yeast immobilized on spent grain particles in a gas lift reactor was studied. The goal of this work was to adjust the flavor of the continuously produced green beer to the desired character by sparging an adequate amount of air and by controlling the fermentation temperature in the immobilized yeast reactor as well as to predict the rate of the brewing yeast immobilization using a kinetic model adapted to the conditions of beer fermentation. The volumetric productivity of the continuous system was approximately 5 times higher than of the batch fermentation. The aroma profile of green beer from the continuous immobilized fermentation, run at zero air flow and temperatures 13-16\u00B0C, was fully comparable to that produced by industrial batch technology." . . . "5\u00B0 SIPAL" . . "6"^^ . "1516-7275" . . . "Beer; continuous; fermentation; immobilization; spent grains; kinetic model"@en . . . "CZ - \u010Cesk\u00E1 republika" . . .