. . "[6EB948AB0A3E]" . "Z(MSM6046137305)" . "AFM; casein; rheology; hydrocolloids"@en . "Atomov\u00E1 silov\u00E1 mikroskopie (AFM) byla pou\u017Eita pro zobrazen\u00ED kaseinov\u00FDch micel a stanoven\u00ED jejich reologick\u00FDch vlastnost\u00ED. AFM je rovn\u011B\u017E mo\u017En\u00E9 pou\u017E\u00EDt pro zobrazen\u00ED zm\u011Bn po p\u0159\u00EDdavku sy\u0159idla a interakc\u00ED kaseinu s hydrokoloidy." . . "512631" . "Application of AFM for study of casein."@en . . "Application of AFM for study of casein."@en . "Aplikace AFM pro studium vlastnost\u00ED kaseinu."@cs . . . . . "\u0160t\u011Btina, Ji\u0159\u00ED" . "Atomov\u00E1 silov\u00E1 mikroskopie (AFM) byla pou\u017Eita pro zobrazen\u00ED kaseinov\u00FDch micel a stanoven\u00ED jejich reologick\u00FDch vlastnost\u00ED. AFM je rovn\u011B\u017E mo\u017En\u00E9 pou\u017E\u00EDt pro zobrazen\u00ED zm\u011Bn po p\u0159\u00EDdavku sy\u0159idla a interakc\u00ED kaseinu s hydrokoloidy."@cs . . "2005-01-20+01:00"^^ . "RIV/60461373:22330/05:00015966" . "Tr\u010Dkov\u00E1, Jana" . "2"^^ . "93-96" . "Aplikace AFM pro studium vlastnost\u00ED kaseinu."@cs . "Vysok\u00E1 \u0161kola chemicko-technologick\u00E1 v Praze" . . . . "Aplikace AFM pro studium vlastnost\u00ED kaseinu." . "4"^^ . "Aplikace AFM pro studium vlastnost\u00ED kaseinu." . "4"^^ . . "Celost\u00E1tn\u00ED p\u0159ehl\u00EDdky s\u00FDr\u016F 2005. V\u00FDsledky p\u0159ehl\u00EDdek a sborn\u00EDk p\u0159edn\u00E1\u0161ek semin\u00E1\u0159e Ml\u00E9ko a s\u00FDry 2005" . "Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) was used for imaging casein micelles and determination of their rheological properties. Casein micelles (0.02 % w/w) in imidazole buffer have been adsorbed on a hydrophobic graphite surface in a liquid cell of AFM. Rheological properties were measured on spherical casein micelle as its elasticity. Penetrations in the same measuring point showed no differences (curves of deflection vs Tip position had the same shape). Also change of tip velocity did not influence stiffness of micelle. Casein micelles behaved elastically during all measurement. Obviously a thin layer of casein was found on graphite and micelle surface. AFM is also possible to use for imagine of change after rennet addition and interactions of casein with hydrocolloids."@en . . "Dejmek, Petr" . . "Helstad, Kristina" . "80-86238-48-2" . "22330" . "Praha" . "Praha" . "RIV/60461373:22330/05:00015966!RIV06-MSM-22330___" . . . .