"Kinetick\u00FD model kapaln\u00E9 f\u00E1ze alkalick\u00E9 hydrolysy 2,4,6-trinitrotoluenu"@cs . "RIV/60461373:22330/04:00012947!RIV/2005/GA0/223305/N" . "Bajpaj, Rakesh" . . "Qasim, Mark" . . "A kinetic model of aqueous-phase alkali hydrolysis of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene" . "Parekh, Daham" . "Kinetick\u00FD model kapaln\u00E9 f\u00E1ze alkalick\u00E9 hydrolysy 2,4,6-trinitrotoluenu"@cs . "552942" . "A kinetic model of aqueous-phase alkali hydrolysis of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene"@en . "Alkali hydrolysis of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) was studied using batch experiments with starting pH values 11 and 12 in glass conical flasks covered with aluminum foil. Isothermal (25 and 40 \u00B0C) as well as non-isothermal experiments were conducted. Experiments starting at pH 12 resulted in >95% reduction in the concentration of TNT; those starting at pH 11 had a maximum reduction of 20-25% in TNT concentration. In all the experiments, one major stable intermediate was produced but it could not be identified. The experimental data were used to determine the overall stoichiometry of TNT and hydroxyl ions. Approximately 100 mol (standard deviation 11.4) of hydroxyl ions were consistently consumed per mole of TNT. However, control experiments showed that all but 13 mol (standard deviation 2) of hydroxyl ions were consumed in reactions not related to TNT. A simple kinetic model involving formation of the intermediate was proposed to account for changes in concentrations of TNT and hydroxyl ions. The r"@en . . "[346E5537A64A]" . "1" . . . "Journal of Hazardous Materials" . "A kinetic model of aqueous-phase alkali hydrolysis of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene"@en . . "Mathematical model;Hydroxyl ions;Activation energy;Rate expression;Simulation;pH"@en . . "Pomoc\u00ED batch experiment\u016F byla studov\u00E1na alkalick\u00E1 hydrol\u00FDza 2,4,6-trinitrotoluenu v konick\u00FDch ba\u0148k\u00E1ch p\u0159ekryt\u00FDch hlin\u00EDkovou f\u00F3li\u00ED. U pokus\u016F se startovn\u00EDm pH 12 do\u0161lo k 95% degradaci TNT, kde\u017Eto se startovn\u00EDm pH 11 byla dosa\u017Eena pouze 20-25% redukce. Ve v\u0161ech experimentech byl produkov\u00E1n stabiln\u00ED hlavn\u00ED intermedi\u00E1t, kter\u00FD nebylo mo\u017Eno identifikovat. Data z experiment\u016F byla vyu\u017Eita na stanoven\u00ED celkov\u00E9 stechiomerie TNT a hydroxylov\u00FDch iont\u016F. P\u0159ibli\u017En\u011B 100 mol\u016F hydroxylov\u00FDch iont\u016F je pot\u0159eba na 1 mol TNT. Av\u0161ak kontroln\u00ED experimenty prok\u00E1zaly, \u017Ee 13 mol\u016F bylo spot\u0159ebov\u00E1no na reakce nesouvisej\u00EDc\u00ED s TNT. Rychlostn\u00ED kontanty a aktiva\u010Dn\u00ED energie byly ur\u010Deny pomoc\u00ED isoterm\u00E1ln\u00EDch dat a kinetick\u00FD model byl potom pou\u017Eit na p\u0159edpov\u011Bzen\u00ED dat v neizoterm\u00E1ln\u00EDch pokusech."@cs . . "12"^^ . . . "1"^^ . "P(GA104/04/0686)" . . "Herrmann, Stephanie" . "IE - Irsko" . . . "22330" . "A kinetic model of aqueous-phase alkali hydrolysis of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene" . "0304-3894" . "Alkali hydrolysis of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) was studied using batch experiments with starting pH values 11 and 12 in glass conical flasks covered with aluminum foil. Isothermal (25 and 40 \u00B0C) as well as non-isothermal experiments were conducted. Experiments starting at pH 12 resulted in >95% reduction in the concentration of TNT; those starting at pH 11 had a maximum reduction of 20-25% in TNT concentration. In all the experiments, one major stable intermediate was produced but it could not be identified. The experimental data were used to determine the overall stoichiometry of TNT and hydroxyl ions. Approximately 100 mol (standard deviation 11.4) of hydroxyl ions were consistently consumed per mole of TNT. However, control experiments showed that all but 13 mol (standard deviation 2) of hydroxyl ions were consumed in reactions not related to TNT. A simple kinetic model involving formation of the intermediate was proposed to account for changes in concentrations of TNT and hydroxyl ions. The r" . . "P\u00E1ca, Jan" . "6"^^ . . . . "Popovic, Milan" . "55-66" . "RIV/60461373:22330/04:00012947" . "106" . .