"Changes of properties of polymer packaging films during high pressure treatment."@en . . . "The effect of high pressure on the polymer packaging materials was studied. Seven single material films as well as seven laminates suitable for high pressure preservation of food or commonly used as food contact layer were pressurised using the pressure 600 MPa for 60 min. The effect of pressure treatment on the change of following film parameters were evaluated: mechanical properties (tensile strength, seal strength), transparency (absorbance at 450 nm and 600 nm), water vapour permeability, global migration characteristics into fat food simulants (95% ethanol and isooctane) and the transfer of food simulants (water and olive oil) into packaging materials. The obtained results confirmed the influence of high pressure treatment on functional properties of tested films, in some cases in rather significant level (loss of heat sealability, changes of migration levels, etc.). The obtained results need further confirmation by tests done in closer cooperation with packaging materials producers, which enable"@en . "Zm\u011Bny vlastnost\u00ED polymern\u00EDch obalov\u00FDch f\u00F3li\u00ED b\u011Bhem o\u0161et\u0159en\u00ED vysok\u00FDm tlakem"@cs . . . "RIV/60461373:22330/04:00012796" . "high pressure;polymer packaging;permeability;tensile strenght;transparency"@en . "Dobi\u00E1\u0161, Jaroslav" . . "545-549" . "[F52824C13E14]" . . "Changes of properties of polymer packaging films during high pressure treatment." . "RIV/60461373:22330/04:00012796!RIV/2005/MSM/223305/N" . "Zm\u011Bny vlastnost\u00ED polymern\u00EDch obalov\u00FDch f\u00F3li\u00ED b\u011Bhem o\u0161et\u0159en\u00ED vysok\u00FDm tlakem"@cs . "Marek, Miroslav" . . . . "557344" . . . "Changes of properties of polymer packaging films during high pressure treatment." . . "61" . "5"^^ . "Journal of Food Engineering" . . "GB - Spojen\u00E9 kr\u00E1lovstv\u00ED Velk\u00E9 Brit\u00E1nie a Severn\u00EDho Irska" . "Z(MSM 223300005)" . "The effect of high pressure on the polymer packaging materials was studied. Seven single material films as well as seven laminates suitable for high pressure preservation of food or commonly used as food contact layer were pressurised using the pressure 600 MPa for 60 min. The effect of pressure treatment on the change of following film parameters were evaluated: mechanical properties (tensile strength, seal strength), transparency (absorbance at 450 nm and 600 nm), water vapour permeability, global migration characteristics into fat food simulants (95% ethanol and isooctane) and the transfer of food simulants (water and olive oil) into packaging materials. The obtained results confirmed the influence of high pressure treatment on functional properties of tested films, in some cases in rather significant level (loss of heat sealability, changes of migration levels, etc.). The obtained results need further confirmation by tests done in closer cooperation with packaging materials producers, which enable" . "Chud\u00E1\u010Dkov\u00E1, Kamila" . "0260-8774" . . . . "4"^^ . "Byl studov\u00E1n vliv vysok\u00E9ho isostatick\u00E9ho tlaku na vlastnosti polymern\u00EDch obalov\u00FDch materi\u00E1l\u016F. Sedm jednovrstvn\u00FDch a sedm mnohavrstevn\u00FDch obalov\u00FDch f\u00F3li\u00ED vhodn\u00FDch pro vysokotlak\u00E9 o\u0161et\u0159en\u00ED potravin nebo b\u011B\u017En\u011B pou\u017E\u00EDvan\u00FDch jako vrstva v kontaku s potravinou byly stla\u010Dov\u00E1ny p\u0159i 600 MPa po dobu 60 minut. P\u0159itom byl sledov\u00E1n \u00FA\u010Dinek stla\u010Dov\u00E1n\u00ED na n\u00E1sleduj\u00EDc\u00ED funk\u010Dn\u00ED vlastnosti obalov\u00FDch materi\u00E1l\u016F: mechanick\u00E9 parametry (pevnost v tahu, stla\u010Dovatelnost), transparentnost (absorbance p\u0159i 450 nm a 600 nm), propustnost pro vodn\u00ED p\u00E1ru, celkov\u00E1 migrace do simulant\u016F tu\u010Dn\u00FDch potravin (95 % ethanol, isooktan) a migrace simulant\u016F (voda, olivov\u00FD olej) potravin do testovan\u00FDch f\u00F3li\u00ED. Z\u00EDskan\u00E9 v\u00FDsledky potvrdily v n\u011Bkter\u00FDch p\u0159\u00EDpadech dosti v\u00FDznamn\u00FD vliv p\u016Fsoben\u00ED vysok\u00E9ho tlaku na funk\u010Dn\u00ED parametry testovan\u00FDch obalov\u00FDch f\u00F3li\u00ED (ztr\u00E1ta sva\u0159ovatelnosti, migra\u010Dn\u00ED parametry atd.). Z\u00EDskan\u00E9 v\u00FDsledky vy\u017Eaduj\u00ED dal\u0161\u00ED potvrzen\u00ED zkou\u0161kami proveden\u00FDmi v u\u017E\u0161\u00ED spolupr\u00E1ci s v\u00FDrobci obalov\u00FDch materi\u00E1l\u016F, kter\u00E9 by umo\u017Enily lep\u0161\u00ED pochopen\u00ED zm\u011Bn o"@cs . . "Changes of properties of polymer packaging films during high pressure treatment."@en . "Vold\u0159ich, Michal" . "4" . "22330" . . . "4"^^ . .