"3-5" . . "80-903203-2-5" . "3"^^ . "Chrudim" . "0"^^ . . "Se\u010D - \u00DAstupky" . "0"^^ . "1"^^ . "625442" . . "Pr\u00F3nayov\u00E1, Zuzana" . . "P(GA104/03/0407)" . . "P\u00E1ca, Jan" . . "Biodegradace VI" . "Respirometrick\u00E9 meranie kinetiky oxid\u00E1cie fenolu pomocou Comamonas testosteroni - sborn\u00EDk" . "3"^^ . "22330" . . "Phenol is a xenobiotic compound very soluble in water that is still produced in large quantities mainly for its application in the synthesis of resins and nylon, although its chronic toxicity and ecotoxicity are well known facts. Probably due to the natural occurrence of polyphenolic compounds, phenol is rather successfully degradated by many microbial species. The studied strain F9B of the gram-negative bacteria Comamonas testosteroni is under aerobic conditions able to use phenol as a sole source of carbon and energy. The concentration of dissolved oxygen was measured by a sensor with automated data storage. The concentration of phenol was followed by means of discontinuous HPLC analysis. Our work was concerned with the effect of macronutrients phosphor and nitrogen upon the kinetics of phenol oxidation. The measured data were modelled with the Haldan equation. In the presence of KH2PO4 and (NH4)2SO4 in concentrations of 1 g.l-1 the maximum specific rate of oxygen uptake of 8,57 mmol O2.gCDW -1.h-"@en . . "RIV/60461373:22330/03:00008969" . . "Fenol je xenobiotikum vyzna\u010Duj\u00FAce sa vysokou rozpustnos\u0165ou vo vode. Napriek dok\u00E1zanej chronickej toxicite je na\u010Falej produkovan\u00FD vo ve\u013Ek\u00FDch objemoch kv\u00F4li jeho v\u00FDznamu napr\u00EDklad pri v\u00FDrobe syntetick\u00FDch \u017Eiv\u00EDc a nyl\u00F3nu. Pravdepodobne v\u010Faka polyfenolick\u00FDm l\u00E1tkam produkovan\u00FDm v pr\u00EDrode je relat\u00EDvne \u00FAspe\u0161ne biodegradovan\u00FD mikroorganizmami. V tejto pr\u00E1ci bola respirometricky sk\u00FAman\u00E1 kinetika oxid\u00E1cie fenolu pomocou gramnegat\u00EDvnej bakt\u00E9rie Comamonas testosteroni, ktor\u00E1 je za aer\u00F3bnych podmienok schopn\u00E1 vyu\u017Eiva\u0165 fenol ako jedin\u00FD zdroj uhl\u00EDku a energie. Koncentr\u00E1cia rozpusten\u00E9ho kysl\u00EDku bola sledovan\u00E1 kysl\u00EDkov\u00FDm senzorom s automatick\u00FDm zaznamen\u00E1van\u00EDm na PC a koncentr\u00E1cia fenolu bola vyhodnocovan\u00E1 pomocou HPLC. Pomocou kinetick\u00E9ho vz\u0165ahu pod\u013Ea Haldana bola vyhodnocovan\u00E1 z\u00E1vislos\u0165 \u0161pecifickej r\u00FDchlosti spotreby kysl\u00EDku na aktu\u00E1lnej koncentr\u00E1cii fenolu vo fermentore pri r\u00F4znom zlo\u017Een\u00ED miner\u00E1lneho m\u00E9dia. \u0160t\u00FAdium bolo zameran\u00E9 na vplyv makronutrientov fosforu a dus\u00EDku na mieru biodegrad\u00E1cie fenolu. V pr\u00EDtomnosti s" . "[64E3C67475A5]" . "Vodn\u00ED zdroje Ekomonitor spol.s r.o." . "Stiborov\u00E1, Marie" . . "Respirometrick\u00E9 meranie kinetiky oxid\u00E1cie fenolu pomocou Comamonas testosteroni - sborn\u00EDk" . "Kinetics, phenol, Comamonas testosteroni"@en . "2003-03-05+01:00"^^ . . . . "Respirometric measurement of kinetics of phenol oxidation by Comamonas testosteroni"@en . "RIV/60461373:22330/03:00008969!RIV/2004/GA0/223304/N" . "Respirometric measurement of kinetics of phenol oxidation by Comamonas testosteroni"@en . . . .